

The Effects of Wheat Cultivar Mixtures on Blumeria Graminis f.sp. Tritici and Its Population Structure

【作者】 贾少锋

【导师】 鲁国东; 段霞瑜;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 植物病理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,利用遗传多样性来防治病害作为一种经济有效的控病增产措施越来越受到人们的重视,并在控制水稻稻瘟病方面取得了成功。但是,我国在利用小麦的遗传多样性防治病害及其机制等方面还没有进行过细致而深入的研究。本研究以三个纯系品种:保丰104(高抗)、轮选987(中抗)、京411(感病)为基础,在大田设置了7个处理,即3个纯系处理保丰104、京411、轮选987和4个混系即保丰104:京411=2:1、保丰104:轮选987=2:1、京411:轮选987=1:2、保丰104:轮选987:京411=1:1:1,深入地研究了在人工接种条件下,小麦遗传多样性增加对小麦白粉病的控制作用及对产量的影响;还进一步构建了小麦白粉菌的ISSR分子标记体系,并采用ISSR分子标记对小区中白粉菌的群体多样性进行了初步的分析。研究结果如下:1.对混系处理的控病效果研究表明,并非所有的混系组合都能达到控制病害的目的。本试验的4个混系处理中只有抗病品种组合保丰104:轮选987=2:1病害曲线下面积实际值低于理论值,表现控病效应;而所有其他的混系组合病害曲线下面积实际值均高于理论值,未表现控病效应。2.对混系处理的增产作用研究表明,所有混系组合的产量都高于其最高组分的产量,增产幅度在3.32—5.75%之间,表现出很好的增产效应。3.本试验构建了小麦白粉菌的ISSR分子标记体系,首次将ISSR分子标记应用到小麦白粉病的遗传多样性研究,并对ISSR揭示的白粉菌DNA遗传多样性和菌株毒性进行了对比,初步表明两者之间存在一定程度的相关性。4.用分子标记ISSR对田间各处理白粉菌群体的多样行进行了研究和对比,表明在小麦品种品种多样性增加的情况下,并非所有病原菌群体的多样性也相应增加。

【Abstract】 Cultivar mixture is one of the most economical and effective measures for disease control and yield increase, which has become a big success in rice for control of rice blast. However, to date, Studies on wheat diseases contol in this field are very few.In this study, three monocultures based on three varieties, Bao Feng 104 (a resistance line), Jing 411 (a susceptible line) and Lun Xuan 987 (a moderate resistant line), and four mixtures, inoculated with Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici, were designed in the field to test the mixture effects on the development of polycyclic epidemics, population strustructure of the pathogen and grain yield. The results are as follows:Data for the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and the rate of epidemics showed that not all mixture plots are useful for suppression of disease. The mixture, Bao Feng 104:Lun Xuan 987 2:1, was the most significant for disease control, but the AUDPC of mixtures related to Jing 411, a susceptible line, were all higher than the theoretical AUDPC, and did not show any suppression of disesease development. However, the grain yields of all mixtures were higher than the theoretical figure, which incicated that the grain yield can be increased through cultivar mixing, and there is a trend towards greater benefits from increased number of components of cultivar mixtures.Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) as a new technique, has been widely used for detection of DNA development in recent years. In this study, ISSR-PCR amplification system was constructed for Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici by the orthogonal design and a single factor test. The optimal annealing temperature of 20 primers was confirmed by gradient PCR and some polymorphic primers were screened. Polymorphic bands of 33 isolates generated by primer BDB(CA)7 indicated that high diversity is conserved in DNA of B. graminis f.sp. tritici and the dendrograms based on ISSR results and isolates virulence were also compared, showing that there is certain relationship between DNA diversity and the virulence of isolates.Futhermore, the population structures of Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici in four plots, two monocultures and two mixtures, were studied and compared through cluster analysis based on ISSR markers. For Jing 411, there were more abundant genetic groups in mixture than monoculture, otherwise, for Lun Xuan 987, the genetic group numbers changed little between mixture and monoculture. The reasons for this need to be studied further.

  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【被引频次】2
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