

Effects of Adding Exogenous Iron and Boron to Compound Fertilizer on Availability and Biological Effects

【作者】 陈海宁

【导师】 张民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土壤学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 复混铁肥土施矫治石灰性土壤花生缺铁黄化效果显著。为揭示复混铁肥在石灰性土壤中的转化机制及供铁机理,并为优化肥料配方、提高肥料有效性和利用率提供依据,采用生物试验方法,对几种铁肥在石灰性土壤上的形态转化、供铁机理和生物有效性做了系统的研究。此外,采用油菜盆栽试验,研究复混硼肥对油菜生长发育的影响,揭示硼磷交互的生物效应。主要研究结果如下:1、复混肥加工过程中无机添加剂的使用可对肥料中有效养分的含量产生影响。对于需要保持含氮量的复混肥来说,应避免用钙粉作为添加剂,使用钙粉作添加剂的复混肥含氮量减少率达0.5%。膨润土和钙粉对于复混肥中的有效磷含量没有产生较大影响。浅红色膨润土的使用对复混肥料有效钾的含量减少影响显著,减少率达0.37%。膨润土适用于需保持含氮量的复混肥,而钙粉适用于需要保持有效钾含量的复混肥。2、土壤中施用复混铁肥后,可明显改善花生的生长发育状况。在花生整个生育期, CIF1(1.30-0.975-0.975-0.6825)处理下花生的农艺性状均优于其他处理。铁肥CIF1和CIF2均可有效地增加花生分枝数目,且CIF1的效果优于CIF2。此外,CIF1和CIF2对减少叶片黄化率影响较大。3、施用复混铁肥后可明显提高花生新叶活性铁含量,促进叶绿素的合成,使新叶叶绿素含量维持在较高的水平,光合产物的合成增加,促进作物生长,进而提高作物产量。同时花生新叶叶绿素和活性铁含量之间呈正相关关系,可用方程y=ax+b(a≠0)拟合,相关系数为0.9416**。4、施用铁肥能够显著增加花生植株干物质的积累量。处理CIF1-H(1.30-0.975-0.975-0.6825)花生植株干物质的积累量最大。花生干物质积累率呈现先增高后降低的趋势。CIF1能较好的促进铁向植株地上部的运输,增加花生产量。植株中的全铁含量并不能完全反映作物的供铁状况。高水平处理中,处理CIF3-H、CIF2-H、CK的根部全铁含量较高,地上部全铁含量则较低。不同铁肥处理对土壤真溶液pH值的影响明显不同。土壤中施入复混铁肥CIF1和CIF2后可明显影响土壤的pH值,CIF1-H(1.30-0.975-0.975-0.6825)的影响最为明显,土壤pH值下降,土壤中有效铁含量较高。5、DTPA-Fe和EDDHA-Fe等外源铁的加入提高了土壤中各形态铁的含量,其供铁能力高于硫酸亚铁。土壤溶液DTPA-Fe含量与pH值达到极显著负相关。DTPA-Fe与交换态铁达到极显著相关,与碳酸盐结合态铁和氧化锰结合态铁间的相关系数虽然不大,但相关性达到显著水平。交换态铁与氧化锰结合态铁、碳酸盐结合态铁间存在显著相关性。土壤交换态铁、碳酸盐结合态铁、氧化锰结合态铁与pH值间存在显著负相关。6、硼肥可优化作物的生长。施复混硼肥(20-10-20-0.3)6g·盆-1水平下,油菜生长较好。叶绿素含量高,叶片数目、叶面积递增趋势最为明显,根冠比最大。施硼肥(20-10-20-0.5)6g·盆-1的油菜Vc含量最高,可达46.33 mg·kg-1,其单株重也为最高。施硼肥(20-10-20-0.1)6g·盆-1水平下的油菜糖酸比最高,品质较好。7、施磷促进硼的吸收。但在严重缺磷、缺硼的条件下,植株有效硼量随磷水平的增加而降低。在相同的供硼量条件下,高磷水平下的土壤有效磷含量显著高于低磷水平,土壤的有效硼含量也明显高于低磷水平。

【Abstract】 Compound Iron Fertilizers had significant effects on rectifying peanuts chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. Pot experiments were conducted in this research to reveal the transformation and iron provision mechanisms of Compound Iron Fertilizers in calcareous soil, and thus to optimize its components and improve its availability and utilization efficiency.Systemic researches were also conducted to evaluate the iron provision mechanisms,transformation and bioavailability capacity of several iron fertilizers.In order to reveal biologic effects of interaction of boron and phosphrous, potted cole experiments were adopted to study the growth of cole under different Compound Boron Fertilizers. Main results were as followed:1. Inorganic additives could diminish effective nutrients of Compound Fertilizers in the course of manufacturing.For Compound Fertilizers demanding to keep the nitrogen content, calcium carbonate powders as additives should be carefully avoided. The content of nitrogen using calcium carbonate powder as its additives could be reduced by 0.5%. Bentonite and calcium carbonate powders had seldom effect on the available phosphorous in Compound Fertilizers. light red bentonite evidently reduced the content of available potassium by 0.37%. In conclusion, Bentonite was applicable to Compound Fertilizers needing to keep the nitrogen content, in contrast, calcium carbonate powder applied to those needing to keep content of available potassium.2. Compound Iron Fertilizers could improve the growth of peanuts significantly. Compared with other treatments, plants fertilized CIF1-H (1.30-0.975-0.975-0.6825) was better in agronomic characters. Accordingly, CIF1 and CIF2 could effectively increase number of branches, and CIF1 was much better. Moreover, CIF1 and CIF2 could reduce percent of peanut etiolated leaves.3. After the application of Compound Iron Fertilizer, active iron content in new leaves of peanuts could be increased significantly, thus enhancing the synthesizing of chlorophyll. The content of chlorophyll in new leaves retained at a higher level and the product of photosynthesis was increased. As a result, the plants were guaranteed a fast growth and increased yields. The correlation between chlorophyll and active iron content was positive, and it could be simulated by the formulation y=ax+b (a≠0), and the correlative coefficient was 0.9416**.4. Fertilizing Compound Iron Fertilizers could raise the accumulation of dry matter in peanuts significantly.The accumulation of dry matter with CIF1-H(1.30-0.975-0.975-0.6825) treatment was the largest.The accumulated velocity showed the tendency to increase at the beginning and then decrease in the following period. Therefore, CIF1 could promote iron transportation toward above-ground part and increase the yield of peanuts. The content of total iron couldn’t completely reflect the provision condition of iron. In the high iron level, the total iron in root in treatments CIF3-H, CIF2-H, CK was higher, while the above-ground part was lower. In addition, pH value of soil solution was markedly different in various iron treatments. After the application of CIF1 and CIF2 to soil, pH value of soil decreased.The effects of CIF1-H(1.30-0.975-0.975-0.6825) was significant.And the available iron content in the soil was higher.5. The addition of iron into soils such as DTPA-Fe and EDDHA-Fe increased the iron content of different forms, and the capacity to provide iron was better than FeSO4. There was significantly negative correlation between DTPA-Fe content in soil solutions and pH. The correlation between DTPA-Fe and Exch-Fe was significantly positive. Though the coefficients of DTPA-Fe and other forms of iron such as Carb-Fe and MnOX-Fe were smaller, the correlations were high. In addition, there was positive correlation between Exch-Fe, MnOX-Fe and Carb-Fe. In contrast, the correlations between iron such as Exch-Fe, Carb-Fe and MnOX-Fe and pH value were significantly negative.6. Boron could optimize the growth of cole. Under the level of CBF (20-10-20-0.3)6g·pot-1, the cole grew better. Chlorophyll content was high. The number of leaves, leaf area also increased significantly. Besides, ratio of R/S was largest. Under the level of CBF (20-10-20-0.5)6g·pot-1, the content of Vc was 46.33mg·kg-1. And its weight of plant was largest.Under the level of CBF(20-10-20-0.1)6g·pot-1, ratio of Sugar /Acidity was the largest, and its quality was also better.7. Phosphorus promoted the absorption of boron. When there was great scarcity of phosphorus and boron, the content of available boron in plants reduced with the increment of the phosphorus. With application of the same amount of boron, the available phosphorus and the content of available boron under the high phosphorus level were higher than that of low level.

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