

Study on the Effects and Mechanisms of Multienzyme Preparation on Performance in Piglets Fed Corn & Soybean Meal-based Diets

【作者】 李兆勇

【导师】 杨在宾;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 动物营养, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 研究复合酶制剂对以玉米-豆粕型日粮为基础的断奶仔猪生产性能和养分表观消化率的影响,并进行促生长机理探讨,试验选择35±2日龄PIC杂交配套系仔猪240头,分为4个处理,每处理6个重复,试验期共30d。试验用玉米-豆粕型基础日粮,各处理间营养水平一致,营养物质参考PIC猪的营养需要标准供给。试验Ⅰ组为正对照组;试验Ⅱ组为负对照组,较正对照组日粮含较多的植物性蛋白原料;分别在负对照组日粮基础上添加木聚糖酶、葡聚糖酶、蛋白酶、淀粉酶的复合酶A和木聚糖酶、葡聚糖酶的复合酶B构成两个试验组。研究结果表明:日粮添加复合酶制剂A和B对仔猪平均日采食量没有显著影响( P > 0.05 ) ,但能显著提高35~50日龄仔猪平均日增重( P < 0.05 ) ,分别提高10.25%和9.46%,能显著降低35~50日龄仔猪料重比( P < 0.05 ) ,分别降低10.63%和14.38%,但对50~65日龄段仔猪末体重、平均日增重、平均日采食量和料重比影响不显著( P > 0.05 ) ,同时显著降低了仔猪仔猪腹泻率( P < 0.05 )。选用50日龄仔猪24头进行复合酶制剂对玉米-豆粕型日粮养分消化率的研究,结果表明:日粮添加酶制剂A和B组能显著提高仔猪对干物质、能量和粗蛋白的表观消化率( P < 0.05 ) ,分别提高3.41%、4.14%、3.37%和2.12、7.88%、9.99%( P < 0.05 )。饲养试验结束时,每个处理选择3头仔猪屠宰进行促生长机理探讨,研究结果表明,日粮中添加复合酶制剂能显著提高仔猪胰脏、十二指肠和空肠淀粉酶、脂肪酶和蛋白酶的活性( P < 0.05 ) ,其中对胰脏胰蛋白酶活性的提高复合酶制剂A效果优于复合酶制剂B( P < 0.05 )。日粮添加复合酶制剂能显著提高仔猪空肠绒毛长度( P < 0.05 ) ,对十二指肠和回肠绒毛长度影响不显著,但能显著降低十二指肠和空肠隐窝深度,提高十二指肠、空肠和回肠绒腺比( P < 0.05 ) ,能显著提高仔猪血液中血糖的含量( P < 0.05 ) ,分别提高19.21%和15.43%,对仔猪血清尿素氮和血清总蛋白的影响差异不显著。玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加复合酶制剂显著抑制了仔猪空肠和回肠有害菌(大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌)的生长,促进了仔猪空肠和回肠有益菌(乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌)的增殖,但对仔猪盲肠微生物菌群的影响没有明显差异。

【Abstract】 To study effects of multienzyme preparations on growth performance and approach the mechanism of growth promotion in weaned pigs. 240 PIC weaned pigs(35 d of age) were randomly allotted into 4 groups with 6 replicates. These pigs were used in a 30 d performance and digestibility trial four diets :controlⅠ、controlⅡand groups multienzyme preparations A with xylanase,β-glucanase, protease and amylase and multienzyme preparations B with xylanase andβ-glucanase supplemented on controlⅡ. Diets were formulated according to PIC nutrient needs of pigs and composed of corn , soybean meal, whey powder and fish meal et al. The Results showed that: There were no differences in ADFI among treatments ( P > 0.05). In the period of 35~50d of pigs , the piglets fed with multienzyme preparations A and B had 10.25% and 9.46% higher ADG and had 10.63%和14.38% lower F/G than those fed control dietary( P < 0.05).The Results showed that: There were no differences in ADG、ADFI and F/G among treatments in the period of 51~65d of pigs. Feeding enzyme could reduce the rates of loose bowel movements of pigs obviously.To study the effects of multienzyme preparations on nutrient utilization of weaned pigs. 24 PIC weaned pigs (50 d of age) were randomly allotted into 4 groups with 6 replicates. Multienzyme preparation A and B could increase the apparent digestibility of DM,CP and GE of dietary significantly( P < 0.05 ) ,and there were 3.41%、4.14%、3.37% and 2.12 %、7.88%、9.99% higher than control( P < 0.05 )。3 piglets of every treatments were killed to approach the mechanism of growth promotion of pigs when the feeding experiment was finished. The Results showed that: Feed multienzyme preparations A and B increased activities of trypsin, pepsase ,lipase and amylase in duodenum and jejunum (P < 0. 05), and the multienzyme preparation A was better than the multienzyme preparation B. Pigs fed with multienzyme preparations A and B had a lower crypt depth and higher villous height than control, and also had higher levels concentration of blood glucose, Feed multienzyme preparation A and B could inhibit the growth of harmful microbion and promote the growth of beneficial microbion( P < 0.05 ) .

  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】14
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