

The Study and Design of Waveguide Slot Array and Wideband Microstrip Antenna

【作者】 柴雯雯

【导师】 张晓娟;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(电子学研究所) , 电磁场与微波技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 波导裂缝阵天线以及微带天线因各自的优点而成为当今天线领域的研究热点。波导裂缝阵列天线容易实现低或极低副瓣,因而被广泛用作导弹导引头天线、机载雷达天线等。而微带天线体积小、重量轻、低剖面,这些特点使它广泛应用于无线通信领域。围绕这两个主题,本文包括了四个方面的工作:研究和设计(1)波导裂缝阵天线(2)宽带微带天线(3)宽带微带天线阵(4)宽带和差网络。在波导裂缝阵天线的设计中,根据Elliott的缝阵理论,探讨了波导驻波线阵、面阵以及行波阵的设计流程,并给出了每种阵列的设计方程及设计实例,基于Fortran语言所搭建的计算模块具有一定的通用性,可以根据阵列的形式进行调用。此外,还充分利用仿真软件Ansoft HFSS研究了各种激励缝包括纵向缝、螺钉加载纵向缝、倾斜缝的谐振特性,研究结果对于波导裂缝阵的设计具有较好的参考价值。在宽带微带天线的设计中,根据天线带宽的展宽技术设计了三种新型的宽带微带天线:首先,从馈电装置入手,分别研究了四种共面波导馈电装置对于单贴片微带天线的谐振频率以及带宽的影响,分析比较了几种耦合缝的馈电特性,并运用变频思想对馈电装置进行改进,从而设计出了一阻抗带宽达28.9%的宽频带天线;接着,从贴片形状入手,结合耦合馈电技术,采用有限时域差分(FDTD)方法设计了一Ku波段宽频带U型缝贴片天线,该天线阻抗带宽达50%,增益带宽为33%。通过改变U型缝和地板上馈电缝的尺寸,天线的宽带特性被转化为了双频特性;最后,从短路技术入手,设计了一个短路贴片天线,其带宽达到了52%。在微带天线阵的设计中,全面地研究了阵元间的互耦规律并提出了一种新型的宽带馈电网络,在此基础上设计出了8×8和2×2的微带天线阵。最后研究了一类比较特别的天线馈电网络:和差网络。本文分别利用宽带相位补偿技术和0dB耦合技术设计出了宽带的波导和差网络以及微带和差网络。并根据微波网络的等效原理,利用新型的微带功分器以及反相巴伦设计出了一超宽带和差网络。

【Abstract】 Waveguide slot array and microstrip antenna become the current research hotsbecause of their merits. Waveguide slot array can easily realize the low or very lowside-lobe and therefore it is widely used as missile-guidance head antenna, airborneradar antenna, and so on. At the same time, microstrip antenna with small volume,light weight, low cross section is used widely in wireless communication field.Around these two topics, this paper mainly concentrates on four facets of work:study and design (1) waveguide slot array (2) wideband microstrip antenna (3)wideband microstrip antenna array (4) wideband sum-and-difference network.In the design of waveguide slot array, we discussed the design procedures ofwaveguide standing-wave linear array, waveguide planar array, as well astraveling-wave array, and derived the design equation of each kind of waveguide slotarray and showed the design examples. The computation block based on the FortranLanguage has the universal property, which Can be called by different kinds of array.In addition, the simulation software Ansoft HFSS was used to study resonancecharacteristics of several excitation slots including longitudinal slot, longitudinal slotloaded by pin, and inclination slot. The research results are good reference to thedesign of waveguide slot array.In the design of wideband microstrip antenna, we designed three novel types ofwideband microstirp antenna based on the bandwidth broadening technology: Firstly,from the angle of feed device, the effects of four coplanar waveguide (CPW) feeddevices on the antenna resonant frequency and bandwidth were studied. The feedcharacteristics of coupling slots were analyzed and compared. The conversion ideawas combined with the feed device, fed by which a wideband microstrip antenna witha bandwidth of 28.9% was designed. Secondly, from the angle of special patch shapewith coupled feed technology, we employed the FDTD method to design a Ku-band U slot patch antenna, which had an impedance bandwidth of 50% as well as a gainbandwidth of 33%. By changing the size of U slot and feed slot, the widebandcharacteristics can be converted into dual-frequency characteristics. Finally, using theshorted circuit technology, a short patch antenna with an impedance bandwidth of52% was designed.In the design of microstrip antenna array, we roundly studied the coupling amongthe array elements and proposed a novel wideband feed network based on which an8×8 antenna array and a 2×2 antenna array were designed respectively.In the final part of this paper, we studied a special feed network: thesum-and-difference network. The wideband waveguide sum-and-difference networkand microstrip sum-and-difference network were designed respectively by the use ofwideband phase compensation technology and 0dB coupling technology. And basedon the microwave network principles, an ultra-wideband sum-and-difference networkwas designed by employing the novel power divider and anti-phase balun.

  • 【分类号】TN822
  • 【下载频次】625