

【作者】 辛海英

【导师】 叶红安;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 物理电子学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 光学双稳态(Optical Bistability,简称为OB)是研究具有反馈的非线性光学系统的稳态和动态行为的光学前沿课题。由于光学双稳器件能直接处理光信号,并具有开关时间短、并行处理信号等优点,所以在高速光纤通信、光存储、高速光开关、光信息处理、激光强度稳定和光学双稳传感中具有潜在的应用前景,因此深入开展光学双稳态效应的研究具有十分重要的意义。随着可调谐光源的深入研究,频域光学双稳性较之强度型光学双稳性具有更广阔的应用领域,受到更多的关注。本课题利用非相干的ASE(Amplified Spontaneous Emission)宽带光源作为双稳器件的光源,结合扫描光纤法布里-珀罗(Fiber Fabry-Perot,简称FFP)滤波器进行波长选择,成功的实现了光电混合型频域光学双稳运转。要实现双稳态运转,需要满足两个条件,一个是非线性光调制,本实验用光纤布喇格光栅(Fiber Bragg Grating,简称FBG)作为非线性调制器;另一个是反馈,则由光电转换后的电压信号加在可调谐的光纤FFP滤波器来获得。作者在理论上,对双稳态实现的基本原理进行了详细的叙述,并利用调制曲线和反馈曲线的方程对不同参数下的双稳器件的输出进行了数值计算,模拟分析了双稳器件的输出变化趋势,便于选取双稳器件的工作参数。在实验上,通过调节入射光强、放大器增益、偏置电压等方式实现了光学双稳运转。此外,作者还实现了两个光栅串联的双稳态输出,为今后分布式光纤光栅频域光学双稳态的研究提供了实验基础。

【Abstract】 Optical Bistability(OB) is latest optical topic about studying steady state anddynamic state actions of nonlinear optics system which have feedback property. OpticalBistability Device (OBD) has excellence characteristics such as processing light signaldirectly, short time of on-off, parallel disposing signals. It has a potential application forhigh-speed fiber communication, light storage, high-speed optical switch, processing ofoptical information and stabilization of laser power and sensor of OB. So, in-depthresearching of optical bistability effects has very important significance.Intensity optical bistability in the domain of frequency have widest applicationfield and be attention in the deeply studying of can-tune optical source. In this paper,non-coherent Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) broad band light source wereapplied as the source of OBD, tunable Fiber Fabry-Perot (FFP) filter was used aswavelength choose device. Photoelectron Hybrid OB in Frequency domain has been finishedsuccessfully .If forming optical bistability, there are two conditions must satisfied. Theone is nonlinear modulating finished by using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) modulateddevice. The other one is feedback provided by voltage signal after photoelectronexchange which added tunable fiber F-P filter.The basic theory of OB was analyzed in detail. The outputs of different coefficientOBD were numerical calculated using equation of modulating curve and feedback curve.It is easily to choose the working parameter by simulative analyzing the variationaltrend of output of OBD. During experiment process, optical bistability were achievedby altering incidence light intensity, amplifier multiple, put voltage. And the variationalprinciple of bistability can be observed easily. Moreover, optical bistability output oftwo grating cascade connection were made. This can provided an experiment referencefor the bistability researching of distributed grating.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期
  • 【分类号】TN25
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】131