

The Development of Lev Tolstoy’s Artistic Theory in China

【作者】 杨敏

【导师】 代迅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 关于艺术的本质与特征,历来是文艺理论的核心内容。列夫·托尔斯泰的《艺术论》不仅是他毕生从事艺术创作实践经验的结晶,也是欧洲美学思想传统的延伸。列夫·托尔斯泰提出了自己关于艺术本质的独特认识,“只要作者所体验的感情感染了观众和听众,这就是艺术”,并且还认为“艺术起源于一个人为了把自己所体验的情感传达给别人”。托尔斯泰主要从情感的真挚性、感染性和宗教性等方面探讨情感作为艺术的本质,也谈到了他对艺术形式的要求和对未来艺术的设想。托尔斯泰的“情感传达论”尽管与我国古代文论多有相同之处,却因主张思想与情感的二元论,与我国现行文艺理论体系的认识论轨道背道而驰,无法纳入这个体系之中,所以一直并未受到理论界的重视。今天,面对国内各界对艺术的不同理解,我们重新梳理托尔斯泰的艺术情感说,对于艺术本质特征的理解,对于中国现代文艺理论的历史进程,其成败得失,都构成了我们文艺思想史上一笔宝贵的历史财富,昭示着中国文艺理论的发展走向,令人弥足深思。

【Abstract】 The nature and characters of art is always the core of literary and artistic theory. The study what is art written by Lev Tolstoy is not only the result of his experiences from his whole-life practice to produce art, but the development of traditions of European aesthetical thoughts. Lev Tolstoy made his exclusive thoughts about art’s nature that art is the conveyor of feelings when artist succeeds in delivering his feelings to and infecting others and art is resulted from someone’s desire to transmit his experienced feelings to others. Tolstoy discussed that feeling is the nature of art from the perspectives of sincerity, infection and religiousness. And he also exposed demands for form of art and the ideas to imagine the future of art. Though partly the same as Chinese ancient literature and art theory, Tolstoy’s theory of art-as-feeling conveyor hardly have got much attention from academic field, because his dualistic theory on thought/feeling is completely against the epistemology of current system of literary and artistic theory in China and can’t be adopted into it. Today facing so many different understandings to art in every field in China, we recomb Tolstoy’s artistic theory, the gain and loss from which to understand the nature and characters of art deeply and to push forward the historical process of Chinese modern literary and artistic theory will become the precious treasure in the history of literary and artistic thoughts and will show clearly the trend to develop Chinese literary and artistic theory. And that is so meaningful.

【关键词】 列夫·托尔斯泰艺术理论中国
【Key words】 Lev TolstoyArt theoryChina
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I512
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】282