

Correlation between Students’ Learning Style Awareness and Their Language Achievement

【作者】 吕婷

【导师】 贾志高;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着应用语言学、认知心理学的发展及人本教育理念的实施,二语学习中学习者的个体差异已经引起了普遍关注,其研究也日趋广泛。学习风格作为学习者个体差异研究的一个重要分支,是学习者采用的吸收、处理和储存新信息、掌握技能的自然的和习惯的方式方法。本研究旨在发现中国大学生对自己学习风格的意识状况和学习风格的多样化与语言学习成绩之间的相关性,并在此次研究的基础上对教师提出了建议,即提高教师及学生对自身学习风格的意识及在教学中采用多种教学方式,鼓励并引导学生了解及扩展自己的学习风格,最终实现学生的自主学习。本研究采用了Joy Reid(1984)的“感知学习风格调查问卷”对中北大学物理系二年级的101名学生进行了两次感知学习风格的问卷调查,期间作者对12名学生进行了访谈,要求学生记录自我报告,并在教学同时观察学生上课表现。所有数据通过专业统计软件SPSS进行了描述分析,T检验和相关分析。根据数据分析报告,本文得出以下结论:中国大学生总体上偏爱动手学习和体验学习,不擅长听觉学习及分组学习,此项结果与多个中国研究者的发现一致(王初明,1992;余心乐,1997;党少兵、刘子富,2001)。在教师进行了学习风格的讲解并在课堂上采用多种教学方法的基础上,学生对自己的学习风格有了明显意识,可在不同学习活动中选择最佳方式学习,尝试扩展学习风格。皮尔逊相关分析显示学生的学习风格意识及学习风格多样化均与其二语成绩显著相关。尽管研究存在不足之处,但本研究所得的结论是可信且有意义的。此项研究证实了学习风格对于外语学习的重要影响作用和学生缺乏对自身学习风格意识的现状。本文在研究结果的基础上对教师提出了建议:教师应提高自身及学生的学习风格意识,通过适当途径了解学生的当前学习风格,教授学生学习风格知识,运用多种教学方法,在多种教学活动中提供各种学习策略促使学生扩展其学习风格。

【Abstract】 Great interest has been aroused in individual differences among researches of Second Language Acquisition in recent years because of the development of applied linguistics, cognitive psychology and the actualization of humanistic rationale in education. As one of the hot issues among individual differences, learning style is taken as individuals’ habitual and preferred ways of absorbing, processing and retaining new information and skills. The present study is to find the correlations between the students’ self-awareness of their diversified learning styles and their language achievements.The participants in this study were 101 sophomore students from North University of China. Five instruments were chosen to obtain data related to learning styles and language learning achievements: questionnaire, self-report, class observation, English achievement test and interview. The statistical analysis was processed with SPSS and descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test, paired samples analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were employed.Based on the statistical analysis and exploration, this study got the following findings:1. The major learning styles of the participants are tactile and kinesthetic. Their minor styles are auditory and group. This result is consistent with other Chinese researchers’ findings (Wang, 1992; Yu, 1997; Dang & Liu, 2001).2. With teacher’s illustration of learning styles knowledge, individuals may be better aware of their learning styles and can consciously diversify their learning styles and choose the learning style which is the most appropriate one to the nature of a particular learning task.3. Pearson Correlation analysis shows that both the awareness of learning styles and the diversity of learning styles are significantly correlated with students’ language achievement.Evidently, there is limitation in this research. But the results of this research can be considered reliable and meaningful. The findings testified the fact that most college students are not aware of their learning styles, and there is a correlation between the awareness of learning styles and language achievements. The instructional implications mainly concern raising awareness of learning styles on both part of teachers and students: diagnosing students’ learning styles, making instructions on learning styles, diversifying teaching methods, and stretching students learning styles by applying various learning strategies in different learning tasks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】288