

Study on the Institutes of TAFE in Australia

【作者】 谭佳

【导师】 陈时见;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪中期以来,随着各国高等教育大众化的推进,世界高等教育结构与形式的多样化趋势日益显著。高等职业教育作为与社会经济联系最为密切的教育形式之一,成为了经济发展,社会进步的动力源泉,应该说,这是世界多数国家经济发展中所取得的共同经验,具有普遍意义。上世纪70年代以来,以TAFE学院为主体的澳大利亚高等职业教育经历了近四十年的高速发展。在此期间TAFE学院办学规模不断扩大,走出了一条独具特色的发展道路,成为世界各国争相效仿的对象。随着中澳两国经济文化等交流的深入,对澳大利亚成功的高职教育模式的学习已成为中国教育界的热点,但就目前的现状而言,对于澳大利亚TAFE学院的研究还处于初始阶段,本文旨在对澳大利亚TAFE学院进行综合分析的基础上,总结出其成败得失,提出合理性建议,以此为我国高等职业技术教育发展提供参考和借鉴。本文包括六大部分:第一部分主要介绍选题缘由、文献综述、研究方法及对TAFE及TAFE学院概念的界定;第二部分主要对TAFE学院的发展缘由、发展阶段、发展动因进行分析研究;第三部分是主要对TAFE学院在澳大利亚的地位及作用进行分析研究;第四部分是本研究的重点,主要对TAFE学院的办学目标、专业设置与课程开发、教学组织形式、师资及管理进行系统的分析研究;第五部分主要在前一部分的基础上总结出TAFE学院的教育教学特色及存在的问题。第六部分主要就结合TAFE学院发展的成功经验提出TAFE学院的发展模式对我国高职教育发展的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Since the metaphase of 20th century, along with the advancing of popularity of higher education all over the world, the current of diversification in the configuration and formal of higher education is increasingly marked ness. Altitude vocational education as a part which related to the development of the economy has become the power which makes the progress of both economy and society. This is the common experience from the development of economy in most countries.Since the 1970s, Australian higher vocational education which gives priority to the institutes of TAFE has come through a high speed progress for nearly 40 years. In this period, the institutes of TAFE become bigger and stronger, and rum into the object followed by other countries. With the depth of communication between China and Australia in economy and culture, learning the successful Australian higher vocational education mode has been a heated topic to many Chinese researchers. But for the related current, the research about Australian institutes of TAFE is at the very beginning, based on the comprehensive analysis and research on the institutes of TAFE, the thesis summarizes its reasons of success and failure and further put on forward suggestions in order to use its experience for reference.The thesis consists of six parts:Part one is mainly introduced the reason of the subject, the summarizing of literatures, and the method of the study. In addition, it describes the definitions of TAFE and the institutes of TAFE; Part two is mainly analyzed the cause and the phase of the development of the institutes of TAFE as well as the exterior power of the institutes of TAFE; Part three is mainly analyzed the the status and operation of the institutes of TAFE in Australia; Part four is the most important part, it is aimed to analyze the target, setup of the specialty, course, form of teaching organization, teachers, and management of the institutes of TAFE; Part five is based on the foregoing, then sum up the characteristics and problems about the institutes of TAFE; Part six is mainly leaning from the successful experience of the institutes of TAFE in Australia, then provides some constructive suggestions to develop our own.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G561.1
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】809