

【作者】 成京武

【导师】 吴文华;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 党在领导中国人民进行革命、建设和改革的80多年的奋斗历程中,努力把马克思主义基本理论与中国具体实践相结合,不断地进行着马克思主义中国化的历程。新民主主义理论就是马克思主义中国化第一个伟大成果毛泽东思想的核心部分,它是集体智慧的结晶,是以毛泽东为首的老一辈无产阶级革命家对中华民族解放事业的伟大贡献。凝聚了党的其他领导人的贡献,其中张闻天的贡献就是非常值得我们研究的。张闻天作为杰出的马克思主义思想家和理论家,在民主革命时期,在一个相当长时期内担任党的重要领导人。他在把马克思主义基本原理与中国实际结合过程中,为丰富发展新民主主义理论作出了突出贡献。就像任何一个科学理论的形成都有其理论与实践的根据一样,马克思主义经典作家关于落后国家如何进行社会主义革命的论述是张闻天新民主主义理论的理论渊源,近代中国革命的丰富实践是张闻天新民主主义理论的实践基础。在30年代,张闻天积极参加中国社会性质问题的论战,不仅驳斥了“托派”的谬论,而且也为新民主主义革命道路的选择提供了学理基础。他的新民主主义理论内容充实而富于理性,是毛泽思想的一个重要组成部分。关于新民主主义文化理论,张闻天提出了要发展“民族的、民主的、科学的、大众的”中华民族新文化。关于新民主主义经济理论,张闻天的“发展新式资本主义”和新民主主义经济的“五种成份”理论,为如何进行新民主主义经济建设提供了理论基础。张闻天的抗日民族统一战线理论,为新民主主义三个法宝之一的统一战线理论的形成做出了贡献。总之,张闻天的新民主主义理论是马克思主义在中国的运用和发展,是马克思主义中国化的理论成果之一,是毛泽东思想的有机组成部分。在我们全面落实科学发展观,为构建社会主义和谐社会而奋斗的今天,研究张闻天的新民主主义理论,其理论价值就在于可以给我们的理论创新和工作实践提供以下启迪:在理论上要牢固树立马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实际相结合的观念;在工作实践上要坚持调查研究,实现理论和实践相结合。

【Abstract】 The Communist Party of China is making great efforts to combine the basic theory of Marxism with China’s concrete practice for Marxism put in China when he is leading the people to carry on the revolution, construction. New democracy theory is a key part of Mao Zedong’s Thought and a result of combined wisdom and the older’s generation of proletarian revolutionist’s great contribution to China’s liberal cause headed by Mao. At the same time it condensed the contribution of other leaders of the party, among them Zhang Wentian’s contribution is worth very much studying.Zhang Wentian serves as the important leader of the party for a quite long period in new-democratic revolution period as a remarkable Marxism thinker and theoretician. He had made the outstanding contributions in order to develop the new democracy theory abundantly in the course of combining the basic principle of Marxism actually with China. Just like the forming of any scientific theory , all have its theories like foundation of practice , It is a theory origin of Zhang Wentian’s new democracy theory how author of a classic of Marxism carr ies on the argumentation with revolutionary socialism about the backward country, the modern China’s revolutionary abundant practice is a practice foundation of Zhang Wentian’s new de mocracy theory In the 1930s, Zhang Wentian participated in the debate of China’s social question actively, not merely refuted the fallacy of " Trotskyite ", and has offered the scientific basis of theory for choice of the road to new-democratic revolution. His new democracy theory is rich in content and imbued with reason, it is an important part of Mao Zedong Thought. For" China’s new culture" theory, Zhang proposed it should be democratic, scientific, massive, national. Zhang Wentian proposed we should develop new-type and capitalist " and " 5 kinds of compositions " theory about new democracy economy which offer the theoretical foundation for building new democracy economy. Wentian’s theory of national united front of resistance against Japan has made contribution for the forming of the theory of united front , and is one of three magic weapons of new democracy.In a word, Zhang Wentian’s new democracy theory is application and development of Marxism in China, it is one of the Marxism China theory achievements, is an organic component of Mao Zedong Thought. Implementing scientific development view in an all-round way for structuring socialist harmonious society struggles, we review Zhang Wentian’s new democracy theory which can offer and inspire following for our theory innovation and working practice: Establish the idea that is the basic principle of Marxism and China’s concrete reality combined together firmly in theory; Insist on making investigations in the working practice, realize the theory combined with practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K261
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】282