

An Experinental Study to the Influence of Drawing Aesthetic Psychothrapy on the Undergraduate with Depressive Symptoms

【作者】 汤万杰

【导师】 郭成;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 绘画是人们表达情感和愿望的天然工具。透过绘画的创造和欣赏的审美过程,个体可以获得身心缓和的空间,降低其情绪情感上的冲突和困扰,以升华个人的情感,并提升其洞察力。然而,纵观国内外教育心理和绘画治疗领域,这方面的实证研究尚未得到足够重视。面对现代社会个体心理问题日益增加的现实,利用绘画这一非语言的沟通媒介,透过当事人对其绘画作品的审美联想与诠释,来抒发其内在的情绪情感,表达其内心的想法和愿望,感悟绘画作品的审美特征,以提供当事人自我表现、自我成长的机会,尤其是针对当代大学生心理问题突出、抑郁状况堪忧的实际,在学校心理健康活动中,充分利用绘画所具有的特殊的表达人类情感和愿望的特点以及其独具的审美要素来干预大学生的抑郁症状和心理问题,促进其心理素质的不断提高,对于培养高素质人才具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本研究在借鉴国内外已有研究成果的基础上,从绘画审美这一独特视角出发,引入团体辅导这一干预大学生抑郁症状的独特形式,构建绘画审美治疗活动模型。以该模型为指导,紧密结合大学生抑郁症状的具体表现,设计具有针对性和可操作性的绘画审美团体干预活动方案,对31名不同抑郁水平大学生被试进行了为期三个月共十次的以绘画审美团体辅导,探讨了绘画审美治疗活动对大学生抑郁症状和总体心理健康水平的影响效应。本研究得出如下结论:(1)绘画审美治疗活动模型的构建及其操作方案的设计具可行性;(2)所构建的绘画审美治疗活动模型及其操作实施方案对大学生抑郁症状具有一定的针对性:(3)总体上,绘画审美治疗活动能显著改善大学生的抑郁症状,促进了抑郁症状大学生总体心理健康水平的显著提高,其效应主要表现在显著地改善了抑郁症状大学生的躯体化、人际关系敏感、精神病性和偏执四个心理健康因子;(4)绘画审美治疗对大学生抑郁症状的影响在性别、地区、文理专业、父母文化程度、是否独生子女、家庭经济收入等方面不存在显著差异。总之,通过绘画审美治疗活动模型的构建和活动实施方案的设计,对大学生的抑郁症状实施干预,能够有效改善大学生的抑郁症状并促进其总体心理健康水平的提高;绘画审美治疗可以作为大学生心理健康教育的一种有效形式,值得推广。

【Abstract】 Drawing is naturally the tool to express the feeling of human being. Drawing possesses its unique functions. It can not only settle human being’s emotion and metal problems, but also enhance psychological obstuction of sufferer’ self-esteem , self-conception and social abilities.However, making a comprehensive survey of research field of the domestic and international educational psychology and drawing psychotherapy, the positive research of this subject has not been paid enough attention to yet.In the face of the reality of increased individual’s mental health problem in the modern society, it is important to make full use of the drawing aesthetic appreciation to accommodate the individual’s mental health problem and promote the development of it’s mental quality.For the reality that the contemporary undergraduates’ mental problen is stressed and the state of the depression cause anxiety, in the school psychological health educational activities , making full use of psychological effect to accommodate undergraduates’ depressive symptoms and mental problem to promote the constant improvement of its mental quality has the importance of the theory values and the practical meaning for fostering the high-quality talent’s.Based on the domestic and international existed research, this thesis construct the model from the unique view of drawing aesthetic psychology, which refers to the drawing aesthetic appreciation that meets the psychology’s needs to the undergraduate.Regarding this model as guidelines , it introduce two kinds of technology, which are group’s psychological consultation and drawing therapy, to design the activity schene of the drawing aesthetic appreciation with pertinence and operation, then do the experiment of educational intervention to the undergraduate’s depressive symptoms, so as to discuss the result that the drawing therapy’s impact on the research which lasted three months 10 times group’s intervention to intervene 31 undergraduate with different depression depree. The results indicated as following:(1) The model of drawing of drawing psychothrapy has the feasibility in its structure and the axtivity scheme.(2) The theory model and the implementation of its activity scheme that constructed in this thesis have an effect on undergraduate’s depressive symptoms.(3) On the whole, Drawing psychothrapy can improve effectively the undergraduate’s depressive symptoms , and has promoted availably the whole mental health level. Drawing psychothrapy can improve effectively the undergraduate’s depressive symptoms , and has promoted availably the somatization , interpersonal sensitivity, psychoticism, paranoid-ideation in mental health level.(4) There is no significant difference among the sex, area, major, the income of a family, wheather or not a child with a pair of the couple, the educationl level of parents , when the drawing psychothrapy affects on the undergraduate’s depressive symptoms.In a word, through constructing the theory model and designing the activity implementing scheme of the drawing aesthetic appreciation psychothrapy and intervening the undergraduate’s depressive symptoms, can efficiently improve the undergraduate’s depressive symptoms and promote the level of the whole mental health.Drawing psychothrapy can be regarded as a kind of effective form of undergraduate’s mental health education, and can be worthy to be popularized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】B844.2;J201
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】863