

【作者】 李青松

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 旅游管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的大背景下,区域旅游合作已经成为世界旅游业发展的主要趋势之一,是全球性的旅游热点问题,也是影响到世界各国未来旅游业发展方向和竞争力的重点问题。目前,区域旅游合作实践已随区域经济和旅游业发展的需要在我国蓬勃展开,成为中国旅游业发展的首要产业特征。2005年以来中国区域旅游合作出现了新的高潮,合作地域进一步扩大,合作主体更加积极,合作的内容更加全面。大三峡旅游圈包括重庆、湖北、湖南、贵州、四川五省市,区内有良好的自然生态、气候条件和发达的立体交通网络,是我国旅游资源的富集地区。然而由于行政条块分割,区域旅游竞争激烈,在旅游开发和市场营销中人为割裂三峡旅游的整体形象,从而分化了三峡旅游的整体品牌优势,弱化了三峡旅游对游客的整体吸引力。在全国区域旅游合作全面开展的形势下,大三峡旅游圈区域旅游合作已成为必然趋势。本文根据上述背景,在系统总结原有区域旅游合作理论的基础上,运用经济学、地理学、管理学的基本原理,探讨了区域旅游合作的内在动力机制与合作模式,论述了产业集群在推动区域旅游合作进程、提升区域旅游的整体竞争力方面的重要作用。文章以大三峡旅游圈作为实证研究对象,从空间布局、资源条件及区域旅游合作的可行性几个方面对大三峡旅游圈开展区域旅游合作进行了实证分析,并从合作的基本目标、基本原则、合作模式、外部环境建设、产品开发、市场营销、产业集群等几个方面提出大三峡旅游圈区域旅游合作的战略构想。

【Abstract】 Under the circumstances of economic globalization and regional economic integration, regional tourism cooperation, as one of the main trends and hot issues in the world, has great effects on both the orientation and competitiveness of tourism in the future for every country. At present, the practice of regional tourism cooperation is developing vigorously, and becomes the primary industry characteristics of China’s tourism to meet the needs of regional economy and tourism. In 2005, regional tourism cooperation achieved a new climax in China, for cooperation became wider, more active and more comprehensive.The great tourist circle of the Three Gorges (GCTG) consists of a municipality and four provinces as follow: Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, and Sichuan. This tourist circle is quite rich in tourist resources due to its good environment, favorable climate and advanced solid traffic network. However, the holistic image of GCTG has not been established during the course of exploitation and marking of tourism because of regional division and fierce competition within this circle, which result in impairing the brand of GCTG and weakening attraction to tourists. Therefore, regional tourism cooperation of GCTG becomes necessary and inevitable since regional tourism cooperation has been well practiced around the country.Based on the theories of regional tourism cooperation, the present study first probes into the inner motivation of regional tourism cooperation and cooperation modes with some basic theories of economy, geography and management. Then it analyses the significance of industry cluster for promoting the process of regional cooperation and the whole competitiveness of regional tourism. Next, taking GCTG as the object, this study makes empirical analysis of developing regional tourism cooperation in GCTG from the following aspects: spatial distribution, tourist resources and the feasibility of regional tourism cooperation. And at last, it proposes the strategic design of regional tourism cooperation in GCTG considering cooperation goals, cooperation principles, cooperation modes, construction of exterior environment, products development, marketing and industry cluster.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】965