

The Harmony Article Judgment in Chinese Painting Effect on Contemporary Graphic Design of China

【作者】 张斌

【导师】 曾景祥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “中和”的观点在我国有着悠久的历史渊源,但是,由于儒家思想的主导地位在多年来一直影响着人们的生活方式,因此“中和”的观点常常被误认为仅仅只是儒家思想的产物,但实际上“喜和尚中”的观念在几千年的中华文明史中早就开始萌芽,并不断地发展,流派纷呈,成为中华民族传统文化的精华,至今仍影响着我们的思想与生活。“中和”的观点,存在于生活的方方面面,审美意识领域当然也不可避免。绘画作为一种感性的表达方式,一方面体现着其本身的艺术表达功能,另一方面又不可避免地被赋予社会功能,这两方面很大程度上受到了儒道两家的影响,同样是“中和”的观点,但是一方面注重的是在血亲道德礼教的框架之下的正统、王道,另一方面则是天人合一观点下对自然和率性天真的追求。而历史是不可阻断的,这样的审美观,仍被作为一种价值取向而存在着。在当代平面设计中“,中和”思想已得到了广泛地运用,作为外来艺术形式,在对传统艺术越来越认可的今天,这其中会受到怎样的碰撞与融合,引起了很多人的关注。在本课题中,课题主要研究的是,中国画的“中和”的审美观对当代平面设计的影响。绪论部分我们主要分析的是“中和”观点的由来,以帮助我们了解其渊源,了解有关“中和”之美研究状况。第二部分,具体分析了儒道两家不同价值取向对于中国画审美意识的影响,及其所产生的具体审美标准等,并且提出“中和”的审美观和“中和”的艺术风格相一致的观点,这样有助于从内容和形式两方面认识“中和”之美。第三部分,具体分析了中国画中的“中和”审美观对当代平面设计的影响。第四部分通过具体案例的分析,进一步了解传统文化对其审美取向的作用。全文的目的是分析中国画中的“中和”审美意识对当代平面设计的影响,对传统文化的溯源,有利于我们从更深的层次上去关注我们所拥有的文化宝藏,对指导设计实践有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 China has a long history with the theory of Harmony, however italways been misunderstood as the outcome of Confucianism, which hasbeen influencing the lifestyle with its leading position. Actually, thestandpoint of Harmony has already developed for thousands of years withdifferent streams, becoming the soul of Chinese traditional culture andimpacting our thoughts and lives. There’s no inevitability the standpoint ofHarmony, not only exists in our life but also in the field of consciousnessof article judgment. Painting reflects its expression of artist, furthermore ithas been put the social function as the expression of feeling, which hasbeen influenced by both Confucian and Taoism. Although it’s thestandpoint of Harmony, it’s focused on orthodox ideas based ondogmatism, on the other hand on chasing straightforward and naturalbehavior. Such aesthetics has been existed as one of value orientation asthe history cannot be interrupted. The theory of Natural has been usedwidely in current design. Many people have been concerned how theoverseas architecture style and traditional style will mix together when thetraditional art has been recognized today. The main topic we’d like todiscuss in this thesis is the influence that aesthetics of natural to nowadaysdesign. The first chapter we’ll analyze the source of standpoint ofHarmony, which helps us to know its resource and the research status aswell. In Chapter two, we research that two different values about Confucianism and Taoism effect an article judgment on Chinese painting,and suggest a viewpoint that article judgment and article style aboutHarmony are the same, which will help to study Harmony from theirsubstance and style. Chapter three expound that the article judgment aboutHarmony in Chinese painting effects contemporary graphic design.According to analysis case by case, further understand of the effect thattraditional culture to its aesthetics orientation.The purpose of this article is to analyze the article judgment aboutHarmony in Chinese painting effects contemporary graphic design. Itgives us advantage to pay close attention to our own traditional culturetreasures and realistic significance for our practice when we put it intopractice.

【关键词】 中和中国画当代平面设计
【Key words】 HarmonyChinese paintingContemporary Graphic design
  • 【分类号】J212;J524
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】299