

The Friendship on Calligraphy and Chinese Ink-painting, and Indeas of Chinese Ink-writing of Wang Hongzhuan

【作者】 白林坡

【导师】 王非;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文系个案研究,研究对象是王弘撰及其书学。王弘撰(公元1622—1702),字文修,一字无异,号山史。陕西华阴人,是明末清初著名的理学学者、诗人、古文家、金石书法家、金石书画收藏家。作为明末清初关中士大夫“声气领袖”的王弘撰,其成就是多方面的,他在理学、史学、易学研究和诗古文词创作等方面都取得了很高成就,得到了顾炎武、傅山等友人的高度赞许。同时,王弘撰一生酷嗜金石、书法和绘画,勤于书法创作,与傅山、郑簋、孙承泽、周亮工、戴本孝、宋荦、戴廷栻、郭宗昌、“金陵八家”、吴门画派后裔等一流书画家、收藏家来往密切,切磋艺术,在明末清初的金石书画圈中的影响很大。王弘撰还著有金石书画专著《砥斋题跋》,其所著《待庵日札》、《北行日札》、《西归日札》等著述,也保存了不少金石书画的研究成果和艺术史料。由于多种原因,对王弘撰有关艺术的个案研究在当代未得到有效的展开。本文依据搜集到的他的十几种著述和三十余件书法作品,立足明末清初大的政治历史和学术文化背景,采用史论结合的方法对他的家世生平、金石书画交游等相关问题进行考证、论述,并以此为起点和平台,采用史论结合、图象分析加思辩论述的方法,对他的理学书学思想、审美追求、书法创作和书法艺术风格等与艺术有关的问题进行的解析、研究,藉此考察理学家王弘撰书学体系形成的内在理路和外在因素,以期对明末清初学术文化、政治历史与金石书画发展的关系有所鉴察,对今天的书法研究和创作有所裨益。

【Abstract】 The very paper is a case research, the research is about Wang Hongzhuan and his Calligraphy study. Wang Hongzhuan (1622—1702A.D.), One given name is Wen-xiu, the other given name is Wu-yi. He was born in Hua-yin Shannxi provice. He was the famous Neo-Confucianism scholar between Ming and Qing dynasty. He was also a poet, a expert of classical Chinese literature, Chinese ink-writing expert on Epigraphy study, keeper of Chinese ink-painting on Epigraphy study. As a bachelor in Guanzhong district between Ming and Qing dynasty, Wang Hongzhuan had gain more on Neo-Confucianism , historical study, Zhou-yi study and Creation of classical poem. He was praised by Gu Yanwu and Fu shan, meanwhile. Wang Hongzhuan devoted himself to Chinese art of Epigraphy study, Chinese ink-writing and Chinese ink-painting. He was busy creating, he made friends with Fu shan, Zheng fu, Sun Chengze , Zhou Lianggong, Dai Benxiao, Song Luo, Dai Tingshi, Guo Zongchang, "Eight Artists in Jinling district", and the descendants of Wumen etc. They got on well with each other, exchanged ideas with each other, they had made a great effort in art area between Ming and Qing dynasty. Wang Hongzhuan’s inscription on study stone and painting is《Leading words of Di Zhai》,among his works, such as《Diary of return from the west》,we can see many research works and art truth on the area of stone-carvings and paintings.For many reasons, there were no effective case study one the art of Wang Hongzhuan. This paper based on ten more research books and thirty works of Chinese ink-writings, take look at the background of study and historical politics between Ming and Qing dynasty, using combination of the history and critics on the areas of his family, his art on the stones and Chinese ink-writings, by all means to reach the elaboration. what is more, this paper based on this beginning, took may in the method of unions of history and elaboration, analyses of images and critics, to reach the result of his ideas on Neo-Confucianism, feelings of beauty, creations of Chinese ink-paintings, styles of Chinese ink-paintings and some related areas with art ,by this way, we can know the inner route and outer factors of systems of Wang Hongzhuan’s Chinese ink-writings, so we can have some good insight of studies, politics and stone carving with Chinese ink-paintings ,which would do good to the research of Chinese ink-paintings nowadays.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】320