

Ozone Profile Retrieval and Aerosol Classification Based on the Satellite Measurement

【作者】 潘亮

【导师】 牛生杰;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 大气物理学与大气环境, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先利用两个独立的样本资料进行了反演模拟研究。利用SARTA前向模式对10000条独立样本廓线进行AIRS辐射值的模拟,2200条独立样本廓线用于反演结果的验证。通过取不同的特征向量进行模拟,反演结果显示50和80个特征向量模拟的结果差别很小,最终确定用80个特征向量进行AIRS实测资料的反演。接着我们利用与AIRS相匹配的MODIS资料对AIRS的每个视场进行了云检测,随后利用高光谱AIRS资料对中国地区的大气臭氧含量进行了反演,在回归反演过程中是对AIRS的所有像素点进行反演,只有晴空像素点的结果是有效的。将反演结果与AIRS Level2标准产品和ECMWF模式分析场进行了对比验证,表明用回归反演算法能够快速、较准确的反演大气臭氧,而且反演的臭氧结果显示出了比AIRS标准产品更加精细的空间结构,反演的臭氧的总量与AIRS标准产品基本接近,偏差大约5%左右,与ECMWF相比,反演的臭氧廓线的均方根误差在0.3ppmv之内。最后我们对AIRS标准臭氧产品与中国区域臭氧地面站资料以及其他卫星的臭氧产品进行了对比分析,即根据不同来源的臭氧资料在不同的空间、时间尺度上的比较来评估AIRS臭氧产品的可靠性。结果发现AIRS在极端的气候条件下如两极和撒哈拉沙漠地区反演的臭氧总量是不可靠的,而在其他区域,AIRS的结果与其他卫星资料的结果基本一致,相差不大,在中国区域与地面站资料存在良好的相关性和一致性。第二部分我们结合MODIS和OMI数据对气溶胶进行了定性分类。利用MODIS-OMI算法给出了四种(海盐、硫酸盐、沙尘、碳类)气溶胶的时空分布,将分类结果与三维气溶胶辐射传输模式SPRINTARS进行了比较,两者的气溶胶类型分布是一致的。

【Abstract】 Firstly, the studies of the thesis are based on simulated AtmosphericInfraRed Sounder (AIRS) radiance by Stand-Alone Radiative Transfer Algorithm(SARTA). An ensemble 10000 profiles selected from the whole globe were used astraining data to generate regression coefficients. An independent samplesconsisting of 2200 profiles was used to verify the accuracy achieved by presentalgorithm. To test the effect of different number of eigenvectors on the ozoneretrieval accuracy, 30, 50 and 80 eigenvectors were used for whole AIRSchannels, respectively. There is a little impact in ozone error using differenteigenvectors. Finally, 80 eigenvectors are used to reconstruct most AIRSchannels. The first step is to perform a cloud detection procedure for each AIRSfootprint. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) pixelswith 1-km spatial resolution are collocated within an AIRS footprint. Only AIRSclear-sky footprints are availability. Whereafter, The retrieval of ozone profilesand ozone total column was performed using the eigenvector regression and AIRSLIB data. The results were compared with the AIRS L2 ozone production andEuropean Center of Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model. Theozone of retrieval can provide better spatial resolution with respect to the AIRS L2ozone production. Compared with ECMWF, the retrieved profilesroot-mean-square error (RMS) is about 0.3ppmv.Finally, Distribution and characteristics of global total column ozone(60°N-60°S) data retrieved from AIRS, The TIROS Operational VerticalSounder (TOVS) and Total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) during2003~2005 are investigated and compared, showing that the total column ozonein North hemisphere has an evident seasonal variation with a maximum of322.25DU in spring and a minimum of 277.83DU in autumn, decreasing by45DU. Whereas it is unapparent in South Hemisphere. Comparison among threedatasets indicates the global mean total column ozone retrieved from the AIRS islarger by 3-5DU than these from TOVS and TOMS, and significant abnormal inAntarctic continent and deserts. A comparison of satellite ozone data Withground-based data found that TOMS retrieved value is lower than ground-basedmeasurements. Further evidence depicts that AIRS/TOMS retrieved values havethe moderately good agreement and well relationship with the ground-based ozonedata. In section 2, the temporal and spatial distribution of four major aerosol types(dust, carbonaceous, sea salt and sulfate) retrieved by MODIS-OMI (OzoneMonitoring Instrument) Algorithm over East-China area. Compared to SpectralRadiation-Transport Model for Aerosol Species (SPRINTARS) model, the resultsshow reasonable consistency in the distribution by aerosol type.

  • 【分类号】P421
  • 【被引频次】3
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