

Studies on Indirect Infringement of Patent

【作者】 卢诚

【导师】 王迁;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 专利权是法律赋予权利人的一项有限制的合法的垄断权利,这种垄断权利的取得是以发明人公布其技术方案为前提的。但同时专利权作为一种无形财产权利,权利人的实质控制能力较弱,技术方案的公布就导致了专利权时刻面临着潜在侵权人侵害的危险。而当专利侵权行为发生时,专利权人只能通过专利法的相关规定来保护自己的合法权益不受侵犯。因此,为了加强对保护专利权人利益的保护,专利法就要不断清晰对专利侵权行为的认定标准和不断完善救济制度。并且专利权的保护直接关系到一国通过保障发明人的垄断权利,以激励发明人不断创作,从而实现促进科学技术发展的社会目标。专利直接侵权的规定是保护专利权人的主要手段,是各国专利法的重要组成部分,也为人们所熟知。相对于专利直接侵权,专利间接侵权是专利权人另一个重要得救济手段。专利间接侵权制度在许多专利法发展成熟的国家也已经发展得相当完善,这反映了世界各国对专利权人合法利益保护的重视,从而鼓励和促进人们从事智力创造活动,进而推动科学进步,促进社会财富的增长。但目前我国专利法只对专利直接侵权作出了规定,而没有引入间接侵权制度,因此我国民事基本法只能把专利间接侵权行为作为共同侵权行为处理,并依此为依据追究间接侵权人的民事责任。但随着我国科技的进步,人们势必对专利权的保护提出了更高的要求;而我国加入WTO后,各发达成员国对于我国的专利权保护也提出了更高的要求,因此我国专利法上关于专利间接侵权的立法是势在必行的。本文旨在通过介绍专利间接侵权的概念,制度渊源,存在的必要性,各国立法比较,以清楚界定专利间接侵权行为,同时联系实际案例中几种常见的间接侵权行为,分析各个侵权行为的构成要件,以期对我国将来专利间接侵权的立法有所裨益。

【Abstract】 Patent right is a restrictive, legal and exclusive right granted to right owners by law. Its acquisition is based on the publication of the technical scheme by right owners. But because the right owner has relatively weak control over the patent right due to the immateriality of it, the publication makes the patent right exposed to potential infringement all the time. Patent right owners can only protect their legal rights by reference to patent law, when infringement arises, so in order to enhance their legal interests, the patent law is required to clear the rules which test the acts of patent right infringement and perfect the relief theory. Besides the protection of patent right is directly related to the development of science and technology which is realized by inspiriting the invention of the originators through guarantying their monopoly.As we all know, the regulation on direct infringement which is an important part of patent law is a substantial means to protect patent right owners. By contrast, indirect infringement is another significant way to relieve patent right owners. In many countries where the patent law is mature, the doctrine of indirect infringement has developed well, which reflects these countries attach much importance to the legal interests of patent right owners for the purpose of the development of science and technology as well as incensement of social wealth by inspiring and boosting invention. However, the Chinese Patent Law only includes rules controlling direct infringement, but no doctrine of indirect infringement, so the civil law treats the indirect infringement as joint tort. Along with Chinese progress of science and technology, people demands much high protection of the patent right, so does the developed countries, after the entry of WTO of China. Therefore, China has to introduce the doctrine of indirect infringement into the Patent Law.This paper tries to draw a clear line to test the acts of indirect infringement of patent by studies on the concept,origin, existence, and other countries’rules of it. At the same time the paper tries to list the common types of indirect infringement. It is expected that this paper will be helpful to the Chinese legislation of indirect infringement of patent.

【关键词】 专利权专利间接侵权
【Key words】 patent rightindirect infringement
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】343