

Research on Influence Factors and Development Strategy of Organic Agriculture in Jiangsu Province

【作者】 李锁娜

【导师】 赵言文;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 有机农业是实现农业可持续发展最基本而有效的方法之一,其核心是建立和恢复农业生态系统的生物多样性和良性循环,以维持农业的可持续发展。发展有机农业有利于保护农村生态环境,有利于保证农产品安全,提高农产品质量,有利于促进农民收入的增长。本文通过运用比较分析、定性及定量分析等方法,分析研究了江苏省有机食品发展现状及影响因素,探讨了江苏省发展有机食品的战略和构想,提出了发展有机食品产业的对策和建议。研究结果表明:1、较国内其它省份相比,江苏省有机农业发展速度很快。截至2004年底,江苏省共有66个企业通过了有机食品认证,共获得72个有机食品证书或转换证书,涉及106个产品,面积已经达到4246.67公顷,有机产品量为11.39万吨,企业数和获证数均居全国第一。这主要归功于:一是政府对有机食品开发的政策支持和资金扶持,大大激发了农民开展有机食品生产的积极性;二是30个江苏省有机食品地方标准的制定和出台,规范了有机农业的生产和管理。2、江苏省有机农业发展不平衡,具有明显的地域和经济特征。苏南、苏中、苏北三地比较,苏南地区有机农用地所占比例明显高于苏中和苏北,其比例是苏中与苏北之和的6倍;13个省辖市相比,有机生产农用地所占比例南京市>苏州市>无锡市,南京市有机生产农用地所占比例达9.62‰,是全省均值0.89‰的10.85倍。通过对影响因子主成分分析,经济因素、环境质量因子构成的第一主成分的贡献率为67.89%,表明影响江苏省有机农业发展不平衡的因素主要是经济因子和环境因子。3、通过SWOT分析,江苏省有机食品产业发展具有丰富的自然资源、很强的经济基础、强大的农业科技力量、较高的农业综合生产力、显著的生态环境保护建设五大优势,在国内外市场对有机食品需求的不断壮大和中国加入WTO的形势下,江苏省有机食品产业发展将面临着巨大机遇和挑战。作者认为,江苏省有机食品产业发展宜围绕产品开发战略、市场开发战略、品牌战略、政府促进与支撑战略,因地制宜,发挥苏南、苏中、苏北及各城市的优势条件、重点产业和重点产品,推进全省有机农业产业化发展。4、结合江苏省有机食品发展现状,建议加强科技攻关,搞好宣传培训;建立有机食品开发技术体系,创新机制与经营形式;加强政府推动力度,出台相关政策;强化农业基础建设,优化生态环境;同时要加强组织与协作,以保障全省有机农业平衡、快速发展。

【Abstract】 Organic agriculture is one of the basic and effective way to agriculture sustainability.Establishing and resuming biodiversity and benign circle of agricultural ecosystem tomaintain agricultural sustainable development is the kernel of organic agriculture.Developing organic agriculture is propitious to ensure farm produce security, to improvefarm produce quality and increase peasant’s incomes. In this paper, the present developmentsituation and influencing factors of organic agriculture in Jiangsu were analyzed by themethods of compare analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, etc,; thedevelopment strategies of organic agriculture in Jiangsu were probed into, and last somecountermeasures and suggestions were put forward. The main results were summarized asfollows:1、Comparing with other provinces, the speed of organic agriculture development inJiangsu was very fast. By the end of 2004, there were 66 enterprises having passed organicfood attestations; 72 organic food certificates or conversion certificates had gained, and itrelated to 106 products, the planting area already reached 4246.67 hectares, and theproducts reached 113,900 tons. The enterprise numbers and certificate numbers were themost in China. It attributed to two aspects. On one hand, the policy support and fundsupport from government were exploded peasant’s enthusiasm for organic food producing;on the other hand, established and working out of the 30 organic food local standard inJiangsu province have standard the production and management of organic agriculture.2、Organic agriculture development has the obvious regional and economycharacteristic following the spatial difference. Comparing with three regions of the south,middle, north Jiangsu Province, a conclusion can be drawn that the organic producing areain south was bigger than the middle and the north, its proportion was 6 times of the total ofthe middle and the north. 13 provincial cities were compared with each other. Organicproduction proportion is NanJing>SuZhou>WuXi; the proportion in Nanjing amounts to9.62‰, which is 10.85 times of the average level in whole province of 0.89‰. On the basis of factor analysis, the results showed that economy and environment quality wereleading factors, and the contribution rate reached 67.89%. It indicated the economy andenvironment factors mainly affected the spatial development differences of organicagriculture in Jiangsu province.3、Based on analyzing the SWOT, the development of organic food industry inJiangsu province has five advantages, including abundant natural resources, bettereconomic basis, stronger force of agriculture science and technology, higher agriculturecomprehensive productivity and conspicuous ecological conservation construction. Underthe situation that the demand of organic food is broadening at home and abroad market andChina has entered WTO, organic food industry in Jiangsu province had been faced withenormous opportunities and challenges. The author considers that the development oforganic food industry in Jiangsu should have suitable measures to local conditions todevelop the advantages, leading industries and leading outputs in south, north, middle ofJiangsu and each city encircling product exploitation strategies, market exploitationstrategies, brand strategies and government advance and support strategies. This canforward the industrial development of the organic agriculture in all province.4、Combining with the current situation of the organic agriculture development, somesuggestions were put forward such as enhancing science and technology overcoming keyproblems and doing well propaganda; building organic food exploitation technologicalsystem, innovation mechanism and management form; enhancing the force of governmentdriving, coming on correlative policy; consolidating agricultural basic construction,optimizing ecological environment; at the same time, enhancing organization andcooperation. These can ensure the counterbalance and fast development of organicagriculture.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】866