

【作者】 袁盾韬

【导师】 束洪春; 王波;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 水利工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以鲁布革水力发电厂生产运行MIS系统应用为背景,从实际工作出发,对已经投入使用的系统进行现状分析,阐述主要面临的问题和解决策略。如何更好的梳理业务,如何更好的避免瓶颈,如何更好的减人增效等,这些都是企业所关注的问题。电力MIS在发达国家发展应用得比较完善,中国要比西方国家落后十几年。如何借鉴和摸索出符合国情厂情的电厂MIS实际应用,是本课题的重点。国外先进经验,如ERP等并没有普遍性,一味照搬会导致投资过大、形成新的低效率、理论和实际脱节过大,因为系统应来自实际应用需求,而不是用系统来掌控,这样的系统永远需要不断磨合;由于过于依赖开发公司,系统比较孤立,数据很难再次利用,沟通难度大,一次投入和后期维护投入都很大;一旦生产设备换型或改造,这样的系统一般都无法再利用得重新购买新的管理系统。管理运作本身就是动态发展的,要面对不同的人、事和场合,在不同应用具体体现形式也不一样,MIS就是用来集成化管理运作,这样从本质上就决定了MIS不能一成不变,是个动态发展概念,更重于满足实际管理运作需要,而不是系统本身。另外,MIS更是个人机系统,更应注意交互性,便于管理、指导生产和用于决策等企业各层面的运作,这样人的培养和习惯养成尤为重要。鲁布革水力发电厂历经多年发展形成自己特色的生产运行MIS系统,涉及计算机监控系统、水情自动测报系统、办公自动化系统以及各种业务管理系统等。利用信息技术,对信息资源的深化开发和广泛利用,不断提高企业生产、经营、管理和决策等的效率和水平。MIS的各个子系统设计与开发都要从整体系统的角度考虑其角色和作用,并有效地利用最新的信息技术,如GIS、组件、WEB、数据仓库等技术,实现企业设备资源、工作流程、规划设计、运营维护、市场策略等业务管理与决策的信息化与智能化,电力MIS应用平台本身不应该是孤立和封闭的系统,而应该是能够与电网生产管理的各个环节和已有的各种IT系统如OA等进行有机的结合,构造成为一个既相互独立、又相互协作、资源共享、可互操作业务的综合网络,实现企业经济和社会效益的最大化。鲁布革水力发电厂MIS系统是逐步追加投入,由计算机监控系统、水情测报系统、自动化办公这些主干系统不断发展而来,这样的应用促成信息基础的确立,不断地培养了本厂的信息人才,互联网和数据库等新技术融入,本身就能对各层应用进行再加工利用,开发设计网上子业务管理,将许多日常业务流程梳理到信息网上,节省了大量的无效投资和避免了庞大而低效系统引入。涉及生产的主要是国产化应用研究,换型为现行成熟的监控应用,生产现场和监控软件的国产化可以降低不少费用,又便于本厂人员掌握新技术应用并用于二次开发。涉及专门管理的,如财务、公文等,购买指定管理软件即可。涉及部门、班组等管理需要则自己开发设计。奠定这些主框架和MIS应用概念后,今后鲁布革水力发电厂MIS重心应该转向更大系统集成,各种基础应用都非常成熟后就具备引进兼顾市场竞价、优化调度、决策分析、统筹资源等的成熟应用大型系统,最好能是国际通用标准系统。

【Abstract】 This article takes the MIS system application of Lu Buge hydro-electric power station production as a background, embarks from the practical work, to analyze the present situation of the system, elaborated mainly faced question and solution strategy. How better combs the service, how better avoids the bottle neck, how better reduces the person synergize and so on, these all are enterprise matter of concern.Electric power MIS is applied in the developed country development perfectly, China must fall behind for several years compared to the western nation. How profits from and tried to find out MIS practical application conforms to the national and factory condition is this key point. The overseas advanced experience, like ERP and so on does not have the universality, imitates constantly can cause the investment oversized, low efficiency and the apartment of theory and actual, because the system should come from practical application demand, but not controlled by the system, and such system needs unceasingly to wear in; because it is too depend on the development company, system is quite isolated, the data is very difficult to use once again, communication is difficult, the investment of one-off investment and the later maintains is big; Once production equipment trading or the transformation, such system generally all is unable touse again repurchases the new management system management system. The management operates itself is the dynamic development, must face the different person, the matter and the situation, specifically manifests the form in the different application not to be dissimilar, MIS uses for the integrated management operation, like this from essentially had decided MIS cannot be irrevocable, is the dynamic development concept, meeting the actual management operation needs again, but is not system itself. Moreover, MIS is a man-machine system, should pay attention to the interaction, is advantageous for enterprise various stratification planes the and so on management, instruction produces and uses in decision-making operation, such person’s raise and the custom foster especially importantly.The Lu Buge hydro-electric power station has been through repeatedly many years development to form the oneself characteristic the production to move the MIS system, involves the computer supervisory system, the state of the water automatically measures and reports the system, the office automation system as well as each kind of business management system and so on. Using the information technology, to the information resource deepened development and the widespread use, unceasingly enhances the enterprise to produce, the management, the management and the decision-making and so on the efficiency and the level. The MIS each subsystem design and the development all needs from the integrated system angle to consider its role and the function, and effectively uses the most recent information technology, like technology and so on GIS, module, WEB, data warehouse, realization enterprise business management and the policy-making and so on equipment resources, work flow, plan design, operation maintenance, market strategy information and the intellectualization, electric power MIS should not isolates and the seal system using platform itself, but should be can and each kind of IT which has system like OA and so on has carried on the organic union with electrical network production management each link, The structure becomes both to be mutually independent, and mutually cooperates, resources sharing, may mutually operate the service the comprehensive network, the realization enterprise economy and the social efficiency maximization.Lu Buge the hydro-electric power station MIS system gradually supplements the investment, by the computer supervisory system, the state of the water measures and reports the system, the automated work these branch systems unceasingly develops comes, such application facilitates the information foundation the establishment, unceasingly has trained this factory information talented person, the Internet and the database and so on the new technology melts into, itself can canyon the retreatment use to each application, the development supposes on the sub- business management, combs many daily services flows in the information network, has saved the massive invalid investments and avoids being huge and the low effect system introduction. Involves the production mainly is the domestic product applied research, trading for the present mature monitoring application, produces the scene and monitors software the domestic product to be allowed to reduce many expenses, also is advantageous for this factory personnel to grasp the new technology to apply and to use in two times of developments. Involves specially manages, like the finance, the archives and so on, the purchase assign to manage software then. Involves management and so on department, teams and groups needs important regulation to develop the design. After establishes these host frames and the MIS application concept, from now on Lu Buge the hydro-electric power station MIS center of gravity will be supposed to change the bigger system integration, after each kind of foundation application all extremely mature will have the introduction to give dual attention to the market to compete the price, the optimized dispatch, the policy-making analysis, the overall plan resources and so on the mature application large-scale system, will be best can be the international general standard system

  • 【分类号】TV736
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