

Design and Implementation of the Control System of Automatic Butt-Fusion Welding Machine for PE Pipes

【作者】 陈博

【导师】 李军;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 聚乙烯(PE)管道系统正在我国快速推广应用并逐渐代替传统的金属管道系统。连接技术是PE管道系统应用中的关键技术,连接的质量对PE管道系统整体寿命有巨大影响。热熔对接焊是PE管户外最常用的一种连接技术,有焊接过程复杂,工艺参数多的特点,对焊接机的自动化程度要求较高。然而,目前国内工程上所使用的热熔对接焊设备自动化程度普遍不高,焊接过程需要人工干预,管道焊接质量难以保证。因此,研究设计焊接过程全自动操作的热熔对接焊机对提高焊接质量,保证PE管道系统的使用寿命有重要意义。本文在介绍和分析热熔对接焊的工艺流程和工艺参数的基础上,提出了一种结合嵌入式技术,使焊接过程全自动化的热熔对接焊机控制系统的实现方案。本文所设计实现的控制系统不仅能控制热熔对接焊过程使其全自动化,并有用户界面直观清晰、存储焊口信息量大、支持USB口转存数据等特点。课题的主要研究内容包括:(1)通过分析全自动热熔对接焊机的功能特点,提出了基于ARM7处理器和μC/OS-Ⅱ的嵌入式系统实现方案,分析搭建了嵌入式平台,包括设计硬件系统和移植操作系统;(2)介绍了如何控制热熔焊接过程,实现焊接全自动化,包括焊接拖动压力辨识及压力补偿、焊接过程各阶段(如加热、吸热、成边等)的控制;(3)详细介绍了如何实现热熔对接焊机控制器所需要的功能模块软硬件实现,包括图形用户界面、焊接数据管理系统、USB数据转存模块、打印模块等。

【Abstract】 Polythene pipes have been popularized in China at a high speed and it is going to replace tranditonal metal pipes. Joining techniques which is pivotal in the application of polythene pipe systems, have large influence on the durability of polythene pipe system. Butt-fusion welding, which is one of the most being frequently used technique for outdoor joining, has numerous parameters and complex procedure, it has a high demand on equipment’s automaticity. The butt-fusion welding machine used in china now is at a low level of automation, and a lot of manual interfering is needed. As a result, the quality of joint can not be guaranteed.Therefore, research on design fully automated butt-fusion welding machine has great practical utility.In this paper, we introduced the procedure of butt-fusion welding and key technological parameters, then, we design and implement a control system for an automatic butt-fusion welding machine on the basis of embedded technology. The control system we designed can not only automate the welding process ,but also featured on intuitive GUI, mass storage of joints’ information, USB support for transfering joints’ information etc. The main content of this paper includes:(1) Did a demand analysis on the functionality of the control system of automatic butt-fusion welding machine; Proposed a blueprint of the control system which is based upon ARM processor and real time operating systemμC/OS-II; Illustrated in detail how to design peripheral circuit for the processor and how to port the RTOS.(3) Introduced the way to control butt-fusion welding procedure and automate it, illustrated method of measuring the drag pressure and compensating the pressure, illustrated control on each procedure of butt-fusion welding process such as heating up heat absorbing, beat forming etc.(2) Gave a detailed presentation on following functional module: the USB module , the GUI system , fusion data manage system etc.

【关键词】 PE管热熔对接焊ARM控制系统USBGUI
【Key words】 Polythene PipeButt-Fusion WeldingARMControl SystemUSBGUI
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】149