

Study on a New Method for Controlling Ink Thickness in Print Color Matching

【作者】 孙艳

【导师】 吕新广; 黄灵阁;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 材料学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在专色配色过程中,为了检验某种色料的颜色能否达到预期的效果,需要制作某一墨层厚度的色样样条,以观察油墨呈色的效果。目前,印刷生产中普遍使用刮墨刀手工刮制油墨色样,主观因素影响较大,不易控制。针对使用刮墨刀手工刮制油墨色样方法中存在的问题,本文提出的一种新型的刮制油墨色样的方法。首先为了检验墨层厚度对专色配色及印品质量的影响,研究分析了墨层厚度与专色再现关系。结果显示随墨层厚度的增加,印品密度增加,心理明度L~*降低,但对色品指数影响不大;结合机械原理及现代机械设计方面的知识,设计一种机械装置(油墨刮样仪)来实现使用带有不同微槽的圆棒在纸张上刮制色样的过程,对油墨刮样仪的传动、驱动及执行部分进行了选择设计;重点是又设计了一种合理的针对圆棒上的周向微槽进行加工的方法,并完成圆棒的加工及圆棒的刮制实验,实验结果显示微槽越浅刮制墨层厚度越薄,且基本与理论计算相符,能够达到很好地控制色样墨层厚度的设想。油墨刮样仪结构简单、操作方面,能较精确地控制墨层厚度,使配色工作在相对精确的范围内进行;同时也实现印刷油墨色样刮制的机械化,具有很好的需求前景。

【Abstract】 In the course of matching spot-color ink, we need to make printing samples with a certain ink thickness to observe color effect. At present, most of printing factories use scraping blade to make printing samples, that is affected by subjective things easily, and difficult to control. Aim at this, we put forward a new method.This article researched and analyzed the relation between ink thickness and spot-color reappearance to verify the influence of ink thickness on matching spot-color ink. The result showed that when ink thickness increased, the density of presswork increased, the brilliance L~* fall, but a~*、b~* changed little. Based on mechanical principle and design knowledge, we researched and developed a mechanical device (scraping ink instrument) to achieve making printing samples with stick, choiced and designed scraping ink instrument’s driving unit、actuating unit. The importance of this article was that we advanced a logical processing method aim to small groove around stick. We processed a series of sticks and completed experiment of scraping printing samples with sticks. The result showed that when small groove around stick became shallow, printing samples’s ink thickness increased, basically accorded with theoretic count result. This could control ink thickness accurately.Scraping ink instrument has simple structure, convenient operation, and can control ink thickness accurately. At the same time, it achieve mechanized scraping printing samples, so the requirement foreground is good.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】TS805
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】256