

【作者】 俞靖

【导师】 蔡玉平;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 金融学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 金融作为现代经济的核心,对经济增长具有强大的推动力。而银行作为一国金融体制的核心,其稳定与安全关系到一国金融体系乃至整个国民经济的稳健与安全。20世纪80年代以来,世界经济一体化和金融全球化的趋势使银行在经营理念、管理手段和风险控制等诸多方面发生了前所未有的改变,引发了银行业的动荡和危机。加强银行业监管,建立有效的银行监管体制成为一国银行业健康运行的重要保障。改革开放以来,尤其是中国银行业监督管理委员会行使银行监管职能以来,我国的银行监管工作取得了较大成绩,逐步走上了科学化、法制化、规范化的轨道。但与发达国家的银行监管体制相比,我国银行监管体制还存在诸多弊端和问题,使得我国银行业经营存在着较大的潜在风险。如何通过有效监管,充分发挥银行业在金融深化和资源配置中的核心作用,支撑我国经济平稳快速向前发展,有效防范、控制和化解金融风险,保持银行体系的稳定和安全,仍然是一个需要深入研究的重大课题。针对这种情况,本文以经济全球化和金融自由化为背景,以商业银行监管体制为研究对象,探索构建了商业银行监管法律体制、组织体制和调控体制三位一体的研究框架。在概述国内外银行监管理论的基础上,本文首先提出了对银行业进行监管的必要性,为后文的研究提供了思想源泉和理论支撑。随后简要回顾了我国商业银行监管体制的历史演变进程,从法律体制、组织体制和调控体制三个方面深入分析了我国商业银行监管体制的现状以及在金融运行和银行监管中发挥的重要作用,对多年来取得的成就予以了肯定。紧接着又从以上三个方面指出了我国银行监管体制的缺陷,并从全球金融一体化、入世及金融创新迭起等角度提出改革我国商业银行监管体制时间的紧迫性和形势的严峻性。为了给我国商业银行监管体制改革提供有力支持和成功经验,本文以商业银行监管体制较为发达的美国、英国和日本为例,从法律体制、组织体制和调控体制三个方面进行了有针对性的国际比较,分析了三国监管体制演变过程中呈现出的一些共同特征,总结了银行业监管发展的国际趋势。最后,在吸取发达国家商业银行监管体制有益经验的基础上,从法律体制、组织体制和调控体制三个方面提出了完善我国商业银行监管体制的政策建议。

【Abstract】 As the core of modern economy, finance has powerful promotion to economic development. As the core of finance system, banks’ stability and safety have strong relation with the stability and safety of financial system and the whole national economy. The last two decades of this century have witnessed the continual changes of economic integrity and financial globalization, which made all-aspect transitions of banking industry, from operation idea, management measure to risk control. The transitions aroused banking turbulence and crises, strengthening banking supervision and establishing an effective bank’s supervision and regulation system is the important guarantee of banking health of a country.Since China’s reform and open to the world, especially from the China Banking Regulatory Commission exercised bank supervision independently, we have made great progress in the work of bank supervision, which is heading for the scientific, legal and normal orbit gradually. But compared with developed countries, the supervision and regulation system of China’s banking is plagued with many problems, which makes our country’s banking operate with high potential risk. Therefore, it remains an important issue needed to be carefully studied that how to prevent, control and resolve financial risk through efficient supervision and regulation to keep the stability and safety of bank system and to perform bank’s core function in financial deepening and resource allocation.According to this situation, regarding global economic integration and financial liberalization as the background, this dissertation studies the commercial banks’ supervision and regulation system , tries to establish the supervisory and regulatory system frame constituted by legal system, organizational system and control system. On the basis of the theory of commercial bank’s supervision and regulation at home and abroad, this dissertation points out the necessity of commercial bank’s supervision and regulation .Then this dissertation reviews briefly the evolution process of our commercial bank’s supervision and regulation system, analyses deeply the current situation of our bank’s supervision and regulation system in the legal system, organizational system and control system aspects , affirms the achievement of our bank’s supervision system which has good effect on financial operation and bank supervision. Subsequently, this dissertation points out the defect of our bank’s supervision and regulation system in the legal system, organizational system and control system aspects, analyses the urgency and seriousness of our bank’s supervision and regulation system reform.In order to provide strong support and successful experience for the reform of our commercial bank’s supervision and regulation system, this dissertation takes America, Britain and Japan whose commercial bank’s supervision and regulation systems are more developed as example, compares their legal system, organizational system and control system, analyses their common characteristics and future trend. On the basis of drawing developed countries’ useful experience, this dissertation puts forward policy and suggestion to set up a complete and effective China’s commercial bank supervision and regulation system in the legal system, organizational system and control system aspects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】872