

【作者】 丁颖

【导师】 樊洛平;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 香港文学在多重语境言说下呈现出十分独特的文化品格。大众消费文化大行其道,通俗文学日渐成为文坛主流。李碧华作为香港文坛的一支奇笔,以其独具一格的情爱小说创作征服了众多的读者,并赢得了“天下言情第一人”的美誉。她的创作不拘泥于一般言情小说景幻情真的窠臼中,往往融入了更为丰富的内涵。对性别话语和人性的关注,对古典和历史的痴迷与追寻,以及边缘化的写作视角使她的作品呈现出瑰奇诡异、雅俗共赏的艺术特质。李碧华是纷繁复杂的香港文化版图上一道独特的风景,她在香港多元的文化谱系中,发出了自己的声音,创造出一种雅致新异的“李碧华风格”。李碧华将情爱写到了极致,又着意将历史、古典、政治、宿命等因素融入其中,肆意把玩,借此隐喻当下,探勘浮生世相。本文关注的是作者根植于情爱小说中的多重言说视角,以及潜隐的对人性、人世以及身份认同的深层观照。全文由五个部分组成,第一部分为引言,主体部分由中间三章构成,最后部分为结语。各部分重点论述内容如下:引言论述了多重语境观照下的香港文学景观,言情小说在上世纪70、80年代的异军突起,以及李碧华在香港文坛中具有坐标意义的独特地位。第一章主要论述李碧华作品中情爱视角的切入,对爱情、情欲的书写与颠覆,对性别话语的反思,以及更深层次上对当下人性的批判以及两性关系的失衡与构建。第二章探讨的是李碧华戏弄古今的故事新编,传统命运观和宿命观的介入,以及对古典文化的迷恋和借鉴。另外,她执著于对当下社会情感缺失的书写,对香港历史的还原(“怀旧”),对古典的重建和想象,以此构建起当下都市影像。第三章重在表现李碧华游走在边缘的写作姿态:跨雅俗跨文类的中介性,通俗文学中的别样的“文革”叙事,以及由于香港边缘的地位和政治处境引发的“香港意识”,以及其身份认同的焦虑与危机。

【Abstract】 Hong Kong literature speaks in the multiple linguistic environments presents the extremely unique cultural moral character.The populace expend cultural big line of it to say that, the popular literature becomes the literary arena mainstream day after day.Li Bihua took the Hong Kong literary arena a wonderful pen, the love novel creation which was in a class by itself has conquered the multitudinous readers, and has won "the world loved the first person" the fine reputation. Her creation does not rigidly adhere to general love story in the real pattern, often has integrated a richer connotation. To the sex words and the human nature attention, with tracks down to classical and historical being infatuated, as well as the peripherization writing angle of view causes her work to present the artistic special characteristic which the wonderful and strange character, appeals to both cultured and popular tastes. Li Bihua is on the complex Hong Kong culture domain together the unique scenery, she is in the Hong Kong multi-dimensional culture evolution, has made own sound, creates one kind refinedly new and strange "the Li Bihua style".Li Bihua has written about the love to the extrem, also among the factors of the history,classic, politics, fate and so on. She took advantage of this metaphor immediately, the exploration floats lives of the world. This article pays attention to the multiple angle of view, as well as dives to the human nature and the identify in-depth contemplation.The full text is composed of five parts, the first part is the introduction, the main body part constitutes of three chapters, the final part is a conclusion. Various part of key elaboration content is as follows:First chapter mainly elaborates in the love angle of Li Bihua work , the writing of love and sex, the self-examination of sex language and she builded the new relationship of men and women.The second chapter discusses newly organized story, the tradional fate and the classic culture .Moreover, she adheres to the writing of social emotion and take the Hong Kong history into original state . She constructs the metropolis phantom by imaging and building classics.Third chapter displays Li Bihua’s writing posture: her works suit both refined and popular tastes and she writes strangely about the cultural revolutionin as well as its status approval anxious and crisis.The end is the conclusion of themultiple angle of view. We pay more attention to Li Bihua.

【关键词】 李碧华情爱小说多重诉求
【Key words】 Li BihuaLove novelMultiple demands
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】681