

【作者】 马志强

【导师】 姚小亭;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着二十世纪四五十年代的政权交替,中国作家在当代文坛的地位发生了转变,有的作家被剥夺了创作权利而逐出了文坛,有的作家从中心走向了边缘,有的作家从边缘走向了中心,有的作家虽然形式上处于中心的位置却难以贡献优秀的作品,而老舍不管在现代还是当代文学史上都处于一流作家的地位。他迅速地适应了建国之初当代文坛格局的调整,以旺盛的创作生命力为当代文坛贡献了《龙须沟》、《茶馆》、《正红旗下》等一批精品佳作;他被授予了当时惟一的“人民艺术家”的光荣称号,在建国后的文艺界享有令人羡慕的地位,最后却不幸成为“文革”中最早的一批死难者之一,解读其原因对于理解作家在新中国的命运和创作具有重要意义。本文共分三章来解读其原因。第一章根据老舍在建国前的生活和创作经历来分析他为何拥有在当代文坛的中心地位,主要从外部空间来考察老舍和左翼力量的关系;第二章论述的中心是说明老舍在现当代文学史的独特之处,民间立场的文艺创作、“左翼”背景下的体裁拓展、书写北京的优势和意义是老舍长期维持在当代文坛中心地位的根本原因;第三章探讨了老舍“歌德派”认识上的缺陷、政治高压下的创作停顿和“老舍之死”的文化意蕴。结语部分认为要避免老舍式的悲剧就要在国家利益和作家的个性追求之间找到一个平衡点,否则一味地压抑作家的个人趣味和艺术追求,就会造成知识分子乃至整个民族的悲剧。

【Abstract】 Since the foundation of the People’s Public of China in 1949, the status of the contemporary Chinese writers had changed greatly. Some writers were deprived of the right of writing and banished from the literary arena. Some were shifted from the center of the literary arena to the brink, and some from brink to the center, part of whom could not contribute any more great works to the new literature, however.Contrary to all of the above writers, Lao She had always been among the first-class writers, who were successfully adjusted to the new born contemporary literary pattern. Unfortunately, while he wrote many masterpieces with abundant vitality such as Longxu gou, Cha guan, and zhenghongqi xia, he became the first group of people persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution.So it is of great importance to explore the reasons of Lao She’s death for a good understanding of the destiny of the writers in the new China.The essay includes three chapters. Chapter one analyses the life and experience of writing of Lao She before the foundation of the PPC, and gives the reasons why Lao She had always been in the center of the contemporary literature.Chapter two mainly shows Lao She’s unique place in the modern and contemporary literature history, the basic reason for Lao She maintaining at the contemporary literary arena center status for a long time is his folk standpoint and the literature style development under the background of "Left wing" and the superiority and the significance of writing Beijing;Chapter three discusses Lao She’s understanding flaw and the writing termination under the political pressure and the culture implication of " Lao She’s death ".In the end of the essay, the author points out that we should find a compromising point between the governmental values and the individual pursuit of writhers, otherwise there will be tragedy to the intellectuals or even to the whole nation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】95