

Intelligent Mine Monitoring System Based on PIC MCU

【作者】 何一文

【导师】 陈铁军;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 现阶段煤矿安全问题已经成为全社会关注的焦点,成为关系到人民生命财产,甚至影响建立和谐社会的重大问题。研发出高质量、高性能、高可靠性、低成本的煤矿瓦斯监控系统无疑对解决这一重大问题有很大帮助。采用瓦斯监控系统,能有效地对瓦斯抽放状态进行连续跟踪监测和实时调控,使之在最佳状态下工作。它还改变了过去瓦斯抽放只靠人工单一控制的局面,保证了安全抽放。本文根据用户的需求,根据国家煤矿安全生产规范的要求,提出切实可行的瓦斯监控系统的整体方案。经过方案比较和调研工作,提出集数据采集,分析处理,控制及数据通讯等功能于一体的数字化集成系统设计方案,所设计的方案可以保证系统能高效,稳定地实现项目的所有要求。根据整体方案,研制瓦斯监控系统的主要两个部分,智能瓦斯传感器和监控分站。智能瓦斯传感器能够满足客户的高精度,高可靠性,功能强大,功耗低的要求。而监控分站既可以采集各种现场信号,进行判断处理,又可将数据传送至地面的监控主机,由地面的监控主机也进行控制,实现对对象的“双重控制”,增加了整个系统的可靠性。监控分站本身还带有液晶显示等,可现场进行各种参数的显示。不论是智能瓦斯传感器还是监控分站都以PIC单片机为核心构成,PIC单片机最大优点表现在引脚少、功能强、可直接带LED负载、低耗能;较简便地实现掉电保护;外围配置简单、明晰,提高了整机的可靠性;并且具有较强的抗干扰性,大大提高了抵御外界的电磁干扰和本机控制电路的电磁干扰的能力。在瓦斯传感器的开发中了设计了自校准电路和自动补偿软件,使仪器能够自动调整零点,自动补偿检测元件的漂移。这样就可大大延长校验周期,减轻了用户的负担(传统的瓦斯传感器需要每七天校验一次)。在瓦斯传感器的设计中采用了红外遥控技术,用遥控器来设置调整参数。本文详细的论述了该系统的硬件和软件设计。对于监控主机软件部分,由于本人涉及较少,所以没有过多介绍。该系统已有部分产品交付用户试用,经过几个月的运行,现工作完全正常,受到了用户的充分肯定和高度评价。

【Abstract】 The security problem of coal mines has been a focus that all the society is looking for it now. It has been an important problem relating to the property and life of people even influencing building harmonious society. So the research on the Monitor and Control System of Gas with high quality, high capability, high reliability and low cost will help to resolve this important problem deeply. The Monitor and Control System of Gas can continuously monitor gas concentration and control gas deflation. It also change the actuality that gas deflation and facilities of gas storage are overwatched by labor in our country.We bring forward a whole design scheme of the Monitor and Control System of Gas according to demand of user and the criterion of safety manufacture of china. This digital integrated design scheme includes collection , analyse and treatment of data function, control function and data communication function. This scheme can meet demand of user efficiencily and reliably.The Monitor and Control System of Gas can be divided into two main part, the intelligent gas sensor and monitor and control unit. The intelligent gas sensor can satisfy the user demand of high precision, high reliability, multi function and low power demand. The monitor and control unit can gather, process, and transmit the data of gas. The main computer at up ground also control the system for increase reliability. The monitor and control unit can also show the data by LCD.Either the intelligent gas sensor or monitor and control unit use MCU of PIC as core. The excellences of PIC MCU are fewer pin, multi function, driving LED directly, and lower power demand. The components around it are simple,so it can improve the reliability of the system.This paper discusses the design of hardware and software of the system in detail.Several parts of this system have been used by our customer for several onths. All of them are operating normally and full satisfaction and high praise of customers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1058