

Study on the China Juvenile Criminal Trial Procedure

【作者】 瞿红

【导师】 徐静村;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 法学理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 未成年人群体关系国家民族的未来,其重要地位不言自明。与世界其它各国一样,近年来我国的未成年人犯罪迅速增多,严重刑事案件数量日益攀升,越来越多的未成年人刑事案件审判程序的启动对我国现行的未成年人刑事司法制度提出了严峻考验。未成年人刑事审判对象的特殊性及未成年人刑事审判的目的和任务,对未成年人刑事审判工作的职能提出了特殊要求。即未成年人刑事审判除了要履行普通意义上的审判职能外,还要承担对未成年刑事被告人的教育、挽救,有着更为广泛意义上的社会职责。未成年人刑事案件的在审判程序上也应该体现该特定意义,突破建立在成人基础上的理论观念和程序框架,确立与未成年人心理、生理特点相适应的,旨在立足预防、重在教育、突出保护的未成年人刑事审判制度。本文首先对未成年人、未成年人犯罪、未成年人刑事审判程序等相关概念做出界定,通过对建立这一特殊程序的理论基础的阐释,明确了我国未成年人刑事审判程序存在的必要性。其次从英美法系和大陆法系两个各具特色的法系中选择代表性国家,对该国的未成年人刑事审判程序做出考察,并通过对各国近年来未成年人刑事审判领域的变革和发展的关注,借鉴其有益的经验做法,为我国此项制度的完善确定方向和目标。我国目前虽然也建立了一套有中国特色的未成年人刑事审判程序,寓教于审、审教结合,不公开审理,诉权特殊保护等原则在我国未成年人刑事审判中得到运用,但远未达到贯彻的程度。未成年人刑事案件审判的司法实践中还存在审判机构缺乏独立性,未成年人刑事司法特殊性与抗辩式庭审方式的矛盾性,社会调查介入主体不明确,未成年被告人特殊诉权保障不力等诸多问题。最后,在对域外各国未成年人刑事审判程序模式借鉴的基础之上,结合我国历年来在未成年人刑事司法实践探索中形成的有效机制,重视和加强相关研究,以刑事诉讼法的再修改为契机,提出建议,力求完善我国未成年人刑事审判程序,以期裨益司法,更好的预防和减少未成年人犯罪,维护未成年人的合法权利。

【Abstract】 The youth is future of one nation which plays an important role in whole society. Along with the social changing, the juvenile delinquency rate raise sharply in recent years which brings a great challenge for our current juvenile criminal trial procedure. The juvenile criminal trial procedure is a kind of special trial procedure due to the particularities juveniles possessed from body to mentality. The Juvenile criminal trial procedure should not only follow the trial in common sense but also carry out some extra social functions such as instructing and saving works .To prevent and decrease juvenile delinquency more efficiently and promote the legal rights more effectively, the establishment and perfectibility of Juvenile criminal trial procedure should break through the restrictions on adult criminal trial procedure theory and acquire its own natures.This thesis first explains the concept of Juvenile, Juvenile delinquency and Juvenile criminal trial procedure, then make clear that the necessity of establishing this special procedure by further discussing its theoretic foundations such as philosophy, sociology and criminal law.Second, several typical foreign countries are choose from the civil law and the common law respectively, through comparative reviewing on the reformation and development of their Juvenile criminal trial procedure in recent years, we can correct our goal and give the right direction to perfect the Juvenile criminal trial procedure in China by using those countries’ good experience. In the following part, the thesis mentions the present situation of the Juvenile criminal trial procedure in China. After the introduction of the fundamental principles, for example the combination of trial and instruction, the trial closed-door, the comprehensive social investigation, the juvenile court’s settlement is focused on .The course of Common First Trial Procedure in Juvenile court are separated in detail to demonstrate step by step. Although a series of principles and policy had applied in China’s Juvenile justice system correctly, there are still a lot of problems.In the last part, some suggestions and measures which can improve the China Juvenile criminal trial procedure are given according to the related problems mention above. We should pay much more attention and strengthen the research on the Juvenile delinquency and Juvenile criminal trial procedure for the trial is key stage of entire Juvenile justice system in China. Through revising of the Criminal Procedure Law, a special section should be regulated in it. The Juvenile court should be constructed independently according different situations. The comprehensive social investigation should be conducted firmly. The judges of Juvenile court should be trained with related professional knowledge and skills in Juveniles. The criminal summary procedure should be applied conditionally.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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