

Study on Highway Tunnel Fire Impacts on the Cross Passage Interval

【作者】 范磊

【导师】 曾艳华;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 浙江括苍山特长公路隧道为双洞单向交通,隧道进出口段各1500米范围内采用纵向通风、中部隧道顶部设排烟道半横向通风方式。隧道内一旦发生火灾,特别是火灾发生在隧道中间段,由于事故现场距两端洞口均较远,人员很难在短时间内撤出隧道。因此,在双孔单向交通隧道之间每间隔一段距离设置一座横通道作为人员疏散的避难设施就显得格外重要,而合理地设置其间距对人员的安全疏散具有极其重要的作用。本文对国内外部分公路隧道的横通道间距进行了调研,建立了相关的数据库。通过对其横通道间距的统计分析,并参考部分国家的公路隧道横通道间距设计的推荐值,确定了括苍山特长公路隧道的人行横通道间距设置的大致范围。火灾模式下人行横通道的间距设置与安全性和经济性两大主要因素有关,而安全性又受到隧道火灾特性和人员疏散特性的共同影响。本文以CFD软件建立隧道火灾的三维数学模型,并对其火灾进行了数值模拟。以VHS模型作为火灾的燃烧模型,着重对火源的发展过程进行了介绍,用连续性方程、动量方程、能量方程及气体组分方程描述气流流动状态,以有限体积法为基础,对该模型的控制微分方程进行离散化处理,并采用SIMPLE进行数值求解。对热释放率为30MW的中型火灾的临界风速进行了计算,同时计算了不同的通风工况下火灾发生在不同场景时的温度场和烟雾(CO)浓度场;结合人员随时间的疏散,着重对人员可能选取的三条逃生路线的温度和浓度分布进行了计算和比较,确定了不同工况时的人员最佳疏散路线。以人员安全疏散的评价标准为依据,对人员在火灾中的行为和疏散特性进行了分析。结合隧道火灾特性,以人员疏散的最不利路线为基准,分别对火灾危险时间和人员所需的必要疏散时间进行了计算,通过对两者之间的比较分析,提出了“人员安全疏散的临界时间”和“人员安全疏散的临界距离”的定义。根据计算结果,并综合考虑其安全性和经济性,得出了括苍山公路隧道进出口段和中间段的人行横通道的平均间距。其方法和结论为特长公路隧道合理地设置人行横通道、紧急疏散方案的制订和隧道火灾的安全设计提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Zhejiang Kuocangshan King-size Highway tunnel is dual one-way traffic one, and longitudinal ventilation is adopted within 1,500 meters near the entrance and the exit, and the flue is installed and semi-transverse ventilation is adopted in the central tunnel. In case of fire in tunnel, especially the fire occurred in the central tunnel, the scene of the accident are far from both the entrance and the exit of the tunnel, it is difficult for personnel to evacuate from the tunnel in a short period of time. Therefore, it is particularly important to set a cross passage for refuge establishment to evacuate with some distance between both one-way traffic tunnels, and it is extremely important role for personnel safe evacuation to set its reasonable distance.The cross passage interval of some highway tunnels internal and external is investigated and the database is established in this paper.By statistical analyzing it, and taking into account the state of the recommended values on the cross passage interval, the interval range of Kuocangshan King-size Highway tunnel is approximately identified.The cross passage interval is something to the two main factors that is safety and economy in fire pattern, and the safety is influenced on both tunnel fire characteristic and personnel evacuation characteristics. A three-dimensional mathematical model in tunnel fire is established and the fire is simulated. VHS model as a fire burning model, and focusing on the fire source development process, smoke movement was acquired by the model consisted of continuity equation, momentum equation, energy equation and species equations. Finite volume method was used to discretize the govering equations and the SIMPLE algorithm was employed to solve the discretized equations. A critical velocity for the heat release rate of 30MW is calculated and temperature and smoke (CO) concentration is attained under different ventilation conditions in different fire scene; Based on personnel evacuation with time, temperature and concentration for the three escape routes that personnel may select were calculated and compared, and the best evacuation route was identified under the different conditions. Personnel behavior and evacuation characteristics in the fire were analyzed as the basis of the evaluation criteria for personnel safe evacuation. Combined tunnel fire characteristics and based on the most disadvantaged evacuation routes, the fire danger time and personnel necessary evacuation time were calculated and compared, and the define of the Critical Time of Personnel Safe Evacuation and the Critical Distance of Personnel Safe Evacuation were put forward. According to the calculated results, while taking into account its security and economy, the average cross passage interval of Kuocangshan highway tunnel is obtained. The method and the conclusion provide the theoretical basis for the reasonable cross passage interval, emergency evacuation program and tunnel fire safety design for king-size highway tunnels.

  • 【分类号】U459.2
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】451