

The Analysis on Strategy Transformation of Gansu Telecom Corporation Based on Value Chain Integrated

【作者】 赵莉莉

【导师】 潘留栓;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 入世以后,我国企业的经营环境发生了根本性的变化。在电信行业,随着企业经营权的逐步放开,国家各种特殊、优惠政策的逐步取消,再加上电信企业竞争的日益激烈,传统电信业务正在受到新技术的挑战而面临萎缩,诸多因素给电信运营商带来了危机,“转型”就成为了电信运营商们的必然选择。本文通过理论联系实际的研究方法,运用相关经营战略理论对甘肃电信的经营环境及经营状况进行分析研究,得出了甘肃电信目前陷于困境的根本原因在于其在产业价值链上参与环节少、没有形成自己的核心竞争力这样一个结论,提出了国有企业必须顺应外部环境变化,以价值链整合、再造为核心调整企业经营战略,以企业现有的优势条件为基础,以强化价值链的关键“战略环节”为导向,进行甘肃电信由传统电信运营商向现代综合信息服务提供商战略转型的思路。同时结合甘肃电信的实际情况,重点分析了以商业运营模式、产品定位战略、服务差异化战略、价值链竞争战略和品牌发展战略等五大战略行动为重点的战略转型模式选择方案,从而确立甘肃电信战略转型实施方案。由于企业战略转型是牵一发而动全身的系统工程,在确立了战略转型方案后,本文还对甘肃电信战略转型的思路与框架进行了阐述,主要包括战略转型的原则的确立,目标定位,实现途径,转型的思路,转型过程中存在的风险及防范措施等等。本文的目的在于通过对战略转型的分析,提升甘肃电信企业竞争力,切实推进战略转型,最终成功实现转型。

【Abstract】 After China’s entry into WTO, operation environment of Chinese enterprises has changed critically. Changes in the sector of telecommunication include: the opening of managerial authority of the country, the cancel of many favorable conditions and protective policies provided by the state, the up-grating of fierce competition between enterprises within the same sector, the shrink of traditional telecommunication service volume due to the challenge brought by neo-technologies, etc. Under these circumstances, old Chinese telecommunication servers have been push to the edge of a big crisis, and "the transformation of operation mode" has become the only choice they could take. Taking a research method of "applying theories to practice", the author of this thesis tries to analyze the operation environment and operation conditions of Gansu Telecom by using related theories on operation strategies, and comes to the following conclusion: the root of Gansu Telecom’s present difficulties lies in its lack of involvement on telecommunication industry’s value chain and the enterprise has not formed a core competitive power of itself. To solve this problem and transfrom Gansu Telecom, an SOE, from a telecommunication server of the traditional type into a comprehensive server of modern type, the author introduces the following measures: taking the conformity and recreation of value chain as the core, make Gansu Telecom flexible to the changes of outside environment and adjust its operation strategy; making use of its present advantages and strengthening the key "strategic link" on the value chain, transform the enterprise from a traditional type telecommunication server into a modern and comprehensive type one. Starting with the present conditions of Gansu Telecom and based on the analyse of possible transformation modes, the author tries to find the most proper mode for the transformation of the enterprise. In doing this, the application of five key strategies in each mode is taken into consideration: the strategy of commercial operation mode, the strategy of determining products, the strategy of service variation, the strategy on value chain competition and the strategy of brand promotion. Since strategic transformation is a systematic and the most influential project for an enterprise, after choosing a transformation mode for Gansu Telecom, the author also tries to explain the framework and some key points in the mode, including: basic principles for the strategic transformation, the establishment of targets for the transformation, channels for the transformation, basic ideas for the transformation, risk analysis and risk elimination for the transformation, etc. With the analyses of a strategic transformation mode, the author intends to fulfill the final purpose of this thesis: find an efficient channel for Gansu Telecom to improve the enterprise’s competitive power, the push forward its strategic transformation and to achieve a successful transformation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】177