

The Prototype Theory-based English Lexical Teaching in Chinese Senior Middle School

【作者】 黎运兰

【导师】 周统权;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当我们跨入二十一世纪这个国际交流愈益频繁的门槛时,词汇的习得在第二语言学习当中承载着日益重要的作用。然而受传统教学法的影响,词汇教学在高中英语教学中一致没有受到足够的重视,导致学生词汇量普遍偏低,英语整体水平差。为此,新课程标准提高了对词汇量的要求,高中毕业学生需掌握3000个左右的单词,比大纲的要求几乎增加了一倍。这对农村高中学生来说无疑是一个巨大的挑战,因此,教师探索出一套省时高效的的词汇教学法是势在必行。原型范畴理论认为:原型是人们对世界进行范畴化的认知参照点,它是物体范畴中最好、最典型的的成员,其他成员则是围绕原型建构的、具有家族相似性的边界模糊的辐射状结构。它强调了中心成员与边缘成员的联系,那么在教学中通过“一点带面”(“点”即一些容易记住的基本词汇或词汇的原型/基本意义,“面”即基本词汇以外的词汇或词汇的边缘意义)的方式来学习词汇,可以有效激活学生的词汇层级结构图和语义联系网,使学生采用最经济的认知方式在联想中学习词汇。为此,笔者首先在湖北省石首市南岳中学对100名高中生和26名教师展开了词汇教学现状的问卷调查,并对调查的结果进行了分析讨论;接着以该校2006级高一(8)班、(9)班为实验对象进行了原型范畴理论指导下的词汇教学实验,以此证明该方法的可行性和有效性。结果发现:在英语课堂词汇教学中,以原型范畴理论为指导不仅能改变沉闷的课堂气氛,充分调动学生的学习积极性,而且能带来明显的学习效果,更快地提高学生的词汇量和语言水平。这种词汇教学方法降低了中国学生学习英语词汇的认知难度,使他们认识到记住单词并非难事,从而增强英语学习的自信心和内动力。本论文共分五章。第一章引言,介绍本研究发起的原因和各章内容简介;第二章为文献综述,回顾了语法翻译法、直接法、听说法、认知法以及词汇在这些教学法中所处的地位,叙述了词汇教学策略的研究状况,然后简要介绍了现代原型范畴理论;第三章为中学英语词汇教学现状调查;第四章为原型范畴理论指导下的词汇教学实验;最后是结语。

【Abstract】 As we enter the 21st century, acquisition of vocabulary has assumed a more important role in learning a second language. However, with the influence of the Traditional Teaching Methodology, vocabulary teaching hasn’t gained enough observation in Senior High School English teaching, leading to a low vocabulary size in students. Low vocabulary is hard to develop a certain level of language ability. So New Curriculum Criteria increases the demand of the vocabulary size for senior middle-school students: they should grasp at least 3000 words, which is nearly about the twice of the demanded vocabulary size in the Compulsory Education Syllable. It is, no doubt, a huge challenge to rural Senior High School students. So the teacher is faced with how to teach vocabulary efficiently in a short time.According to the prototype theory, prototype, the cognitive reference-point of all things, is the central member of a category, while other members are extended around it. They are all constructed by family resemblances. So the prototype theory emphasizes the relationship between central members and peripheral members. Therefore, we can use the theory to guide our vocabulary teaching. Students should first acquire basic words and their basic meaning, upon which they further pick up other non-basic words and their extended meanings. This can efficiently activate students’ vocabulary hierarchical structure and vocabulary semantic net map, getting them to learn vocabulary through association in a most economic way.So, first the writer makes a questionnaire investigation for 100 students and 26 teachers in Nanyue High School in Shishou, Hubei Province, aiming at having a full knowledge of how English vocabulary is taught and learned in this school. Then we make a vocabulary experiment under the prototype theory for the first year students in Class (8) and Class (9), in order to test its credibility and efficiency. The experiment shows: the prototype theory can not only change the dull classroom atmosphere and activate students’ interest in learning English, but also increase their vocabulary size in a quick way and thus improve their language ability. This method can lower the level of cognitive difficulty about vocabulary, enable students to realize that it is not difficult to remember words and intensify their confidence and motivation. The thesis includes five chapters. Chapter One is introduction. Chapter Two is literature review, reviewing four main vocabulary teaching methods (the Grammar-Translation method, the Direct method, the Audio-Lingual method and the Communicative approach) and giving a brief introduction to vocabulary learning strategies and the prototype theory. Chapter Three is an investigation about the current situation in senior middle-school vocabulary teaching. Chapter Four is an experiment of vocabulary teaching under the prototype theory. And ends the conclusion.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
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