

Design of Active RFID and Its Application in Warehouse Management

【作者】 向常洲

【导师】 夏应清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 电路与系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 仓储业作为物流业的重要组成部分,有效、现代化的管理对提高企业的工作效率,降低企业经营成本,起到了极大的作用。但是,目前大部分的仓储管理仍停留在传统的手工操作管理阶段,这种落后的仓储管理模式效率低,成本高,不能适应我国经济快速发展的需要。因此,应用自动识别技术、计算机技术、无线通信技术等先进的技术和手段,改变传统的仓储管理和信息处理模式,实现仓储管理的自动化已经成为一种必然趋势。本文针对传统仓储管理系统的不足,提出了基于有源射频识别(active-RFID)的仓储信息系统。本文研究了国内外在自动识别技术、无线传感器网络技术、物流追踪技术和仓储管理系统等方面的发展及现状,介绍了应用于仓储管理系统的相关技术。以机场仓库管理为背景,设计了具有有源射频识别技术的仓储信息管理系统。该系统以计算机信息管理系统为核心,以有源RFID为信息采集工具,以无线通信为信息传递手段,实现了对机场仓库货物的无线管理。本文设计并研究的主要内容是:1)设计并实现了有源RFID标签的硬件电路,对接口电路、电源电路和PCB与天线的设计进行了深入的研究。2)构建了由有源RFID标签组成的无线通信网,重点研究了无线数据帧格式、信道编码算法和防碰撞算法;该网络在拓扑结构上采用了基于位置区域划分的正六边形结构,在路由上采用了以静态中继为主、动态中继为辅的中继查找表算法。3)完成了以计算机为平台的仓储信息系统软件的设计与实现。最后,论文对整个系统进行了测试,包括硬件测试和软件测试,测试结果表明该系统能够实现仓储的无线管理。

【Abstract】 As an important part of logistics industry, the efficacious and modern management of storage plays a great role in enhancing the efficiency and reducing the cost of enterprise.However, most of current warehouse management remains manual operation, which leads to low inefficiency and high costs in the incorporation, and cannot fit the demanded of fast development of our country economy. Therefore, it is an inevitable trend to realizing automatic warehouse management via advanced techniques and tools, such as automatic identification technology, computer science and wireless communication technologies,In my thesis, warehouse information system based on active radio frequency identification (RFID) is proposed to avoid the disadvantage of the traditional warehouse management system.In my thesis, previous work on automatic identification, wireless sensor network technology, logistics tracking, warehouse management systems and related techniques are presented.Against the background of airport warehouse management, an information warehouse system with active RFED is designed. The system, which is at the kernel of computer information management system, at the collection tool of active RFID, and at the information transferring tool of wireless communication, implements the airport cargo warehouse wireless management.The main works of the design and research are as follows:1) Hardware circuit of active RFID tag is designed and implemented. Especially, the interface of circuit, electrical source circuit, PCB and antenna is investigated deeply.2) Wireless communication network is constructed with active RFID tag. The data frame format of wireless communication, channel coding and collision avoiding algorithm are studied deeply. In this network, the hexagonal structure and static routing assistant of dynamic routing is used.3) The design and realization of warehouse information system software is completed.At last, the test of the whole system including hardware and software indicates that my system can manage the warehouse wirelessly and efficiently.

  • 【分类号】TN409
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】727