

Analysis on the Effect of Family Education to the Study of Students in the Secondary Vocational School and Its Countermeasure

【作者】 郭凤伟

【导师】 蔡迎旗;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中专生学习状况在当前中等职业教育转型的过程中已逐步成为一个不容忽视的问题。在职业教育备受重视,不断拓展前进空间的大背景下,中专生学风差成为一个很不协调的音符,这势必影响整个国民教育的质量问题。中专生生源的数量、质量连年降低,学生厌学现象有增无减。学生缺乏上进心,不讲求学习方法,考试成为一种应付手段,各类违纪情况增多,在这种情况下,再加上学生就业前景堪忧,更使得在校生的学习状况今不如昔,每况愈下。学校教育、家庭教育和社会教育是现代国民教育的三大组成部分,其中家庭教育是基础,是至关重要的一环,无论在教育内容、方式上都具有其他两种教育无法替代的优势。然而目前,中专生家庭教育一直被学校、家庭所忽视,这使得中职学校的很多工作都无法进行,从而难以有效地促进中专生的全面发展。针对当前中专生家庭教育中存在的问题,本文分析了可能的中专生家庭教育的影响因素并提出了对策。

【Abstract】 The learning situation for the secondary vocational school students has gradually become an important issue, which could not be overlooked in the current transformation process. Vocational education has been more and more important and promising, while the study of students in such underground seems very poor, which is bound to affect the entire national education quality. The number and quality of students has been down yearly but the quantity of students who dislike study has been up. They are short of determination to make progress, to learn more knowledge and to be well regulated. The traditional exam has only been a weak pressure and they are badly worrying about their future. Thus, they seem far away from their duty. School, family and society are three important factors for the education, among which family is the basic and necessary one for the education of a human being. Currently, however, family education in secondary school students has been neglect by both school and family, which makes it difficult to carry out a lot of the work in secondary vocational school effectively and to promote the students’ all-round development. In view of the current problems of family education in such school, this paper analyzes the possible influential factors and presents certain countermeasures.

  • 【分类号】G712.0
  • 【被引频次】5
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