

Discussion on RMB Exchange Rate Regime Transitions

【作者】 韩炜

【导师】 丁丽;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 当“人民币升值”成为国内外关注的热点问题时,2005年7月21日中国政府对人民币汇率制度进行了改革,这次改革的内容不仅包括人民币升值2%,而且推行了以市场供求为基础、参考“一篮子货币”进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。新的汇率制度已经在我国实行了近两年的时间,有必要对人民币汇率制度转换的问题进行深入的分析。汇率制度转换理论是研究一国经济发展和制度变迁时汇率制度如何实现调整过程的理论。汇率制度转换理论的内容体系包括:动因理论、路径理论、时机理论和影响理论。该理论是一个非常复杂的体系,因研究对象、分析角度的不同,会产生千差万别的问题。本文将研究的对象定位于新兴市场国家(地区),分析的角度是新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度转换的路径和时机选择问题。本文研究的基本思路是:首先,分析现有的汇率制度选择理论,并介绍了汇率制度转换理论的产生和框架体系;其次,结合汇率制度转换理论,重点研究新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度安排和演进的特点,并通过典型案例,总结出新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度转换成功的两个共同点:汇率制度转换路径的共同特征和汇率制度转换时机的相同条件;最后,运用已经总结出的结论来分析中国汇率制度转换的路径,即从固定走向浮动,并以此转换路径为主线,验证2005年汇率制度转换时机的合理性,进一步探讨人民币汇率制度走向完全浮动汇率制度的条件。按照上述的研究思路,全文分为五章:第一章详细介绍了汇率制度转换的理论基础。首先,从蒙代尔—弗莱明模型发展到“不可能三角形”理论,从长期以来争论的浮动汇率制度和固定汇率制度的优劣问题演进到汇率制度的选择问题。其次,详细介绍了汇率制度选择理论的最新发展。害怕浮动论、退出战略和中间汇率制度消失论,对当前许多国家(地区)的汇率制度选择行为进行了解释。再次,介绍了汇率制度转换理论的产生及其框架体系。该理论最早由马森提出,他认为每一个特定的汇率制度只可能满足一个国家(地区)在一定时期内的需要,汇率制度的更迭总是频繁地发生于国家(地区)之间。因此,对汇率制度转换理论的研究,既有现实意义,也具有长远价值。汇率制度转换理论的内容包括:动因理论、路径理论、时机理论和影响理论,该理论不仅是个理论体系,更是汇率制度转换的一个过程。最后是关于汇率制度转换实证研究的文献综述。在汇率制度转换的问题上,国内外学者都做了大量的研究,而且国内学者大多是运用数理模型进行分析。第二章研究新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度转换的问题。首先,定义了新兴市场国家(地区),并分析了新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度安排的困境:一方面新兴市场国家(地区)偏好相对固定的汇率制度,害怕浮动;另一方面他们又难于维持相对固定的汇率制度,而呈现出两极解的趋势。其次,详细分析新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度转换的案例。最后,分析新兴市场国家(地区)成功的汇率制度转换的共性,得出两个一般性的规律:(1)新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度转换的路径是从固定汇率制度,走向更富有弹性的汇率制度,最终转换为完全浮动汇率制度。(2)在汇率制度转换的时机问题上应当满足这样的几个条件:经济基本面趋强、实际汇率处于升值期、充足的外汇储备和对短期资本流动的管制。第三章通过对我国经济基本面、实际汇率、外汇储备和短期资本流入的分析,验证2005年人民币汇率制度的转换时机是否合理。首先,分析我国的基本经济情况。汇率制度转换前,我国经济增长总体水平逐年提高,运行轨迹呈现高位趋稳的态势;外贸顺差持续扩大;物价涨幅较低,这些都为2005年7月人民币汇率制度的转换打下了坚实的经济基础。其次,分析人民币实际汇率的情况。(1)由于中国存在巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应,在计算实际汇率时,不仅要剔除了物价上涨的影响,也需用人均GDP的增长率来消除巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应的影响。(2)运用马尔可夫转换过程,对经过修正的人民币实际汇率进行实证分析。得到的估计结果是,人民币兑美元的实际汇率在2005年7月20日之后的111天内一直处于升值状态。再次,分析了高额外汇储备对人民币汇率制度转换具有较强的现实意义。充足的外汇储备是我国顺利完成汇率制度转换的强大后盾。最后,我国在对短期资本流入的管制问题上一直坚持稳妥的方针,防止出现大规模的游资进入,为人民币汇率制度的平稳转换提供了保障。结论:由于2005年我国的实际情况满足新兴市场国家(地区)成功的汇率制度转换时机所要求的四个条件,所以可以说2005年汇率制度转换时机的选择是合理的。第四章运用汇率制度转换时机选择的分析模式,预测人民币汇率制度走向完全浮动的汇率制度会在具备如下条件的情况下发生:汇率制度转换的内在动因——经济基本面趋强;汇率相对平稳是人民币汇率走向完全浮动的时机;适度的外汇储备和对资本流动管制的放宽是人民币走向完全浮动的必要条件。第五章是对全文的一个总结。本文以汇率制度转换路径为主线,对汇率制度转换时机进行详细的分析,得出一种对新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度转换问题的研究方法。本文通过与新兴市场国家(地区)成功的汇率制度转换的比较,首先验证了2005年7月人民币汇率制度的转换是适合我国实际情况的,并沿着汇率制度转换路径进一步探讨,运用同样的分析方法对人民币汇率走向完全浮动的时机予以分析。从长期来看,汇率制度的选择不是一劳永逸的,没有单一的汇率制度适合于同一时期的所有国家或同一国家的所有时期。因此,在相当长一段时期内,本文对汇率制度转换的分析结论具有普遍的适用性。论文的创新之处1、视角较新。从新兴市场国家(地区)汇率制度转换的案例分析出发,侧重研究中国汇率制度转换的路径和时机问题。这一角度有别于国内现有的汇率制度转换的一般性研究,对中国汇率制度转换更具现实意义。2、通过概括研究与典型案例研究相结合的方法,得出了新兴国家(地区)汇率制度转换的两个一般性结论。3、在汇率制度转换时机的分析中,视角和结论都有所创新。不再局限于现有的本利分析和实证分析的方法,运用了条件分析的方法来研究汇率制度转换的时机问题。

【Abstract】 Because China’s exchange rate pegged to U.S. dollar, and with a large number of surplus in balance of payment in recent years, the western countries’pressure on the appreciation of RMB since 2003, and the surge of the foreign exchange reserve, challenge the existing exchange rate regime of Chinese RMB. It is urgent to make some adjustment to the exchange rate regime of Chinese RMB. RMB exchange rate regime evolution had happened in 2005, RMB appreciated 2%, and China implement manageable floating exchange rate regime.The new exchange rate regime has actualized for one and a half years. So it is very important to analysis RMB exchange rate regime transition.As an emerging country, China is incorporating into the international capital market day by day, but its financial degree of opening is lower than other emerging countries.This thesis is written according to the following logic: first of all, through understanding exchange rate regime in the whole world and existing exchange rate regime theories, drawing the general conclusion on the track and time of successful exchange rate regime transition; secondly, combining the theories on exchange rate regime with characteristics of emerging countries and analyzing the experience and lessons on the choice of regime; finally, from the conclusions of success exchange rate regime transition of emerging countries, proving the time of RMB exchange rate regime transition is happened in a fit economic environment. Further more, we also could forecast in which conditions RMB exchange rate regime swift to free floating exchange rate regime.The thesis consists of five chapters altogether:Chapter I introduce the basic theory of exchange rate regime transition. First, explain Mundell-Fleming model, which is about the choice of exchange rate regime, and“impossible triangle”theory. Exchange rate regime means a series of regulations and acts to define value and the change modes of exchange rate. Secondly, introduce the latest theory about exchange rate regime choose theory detailed, such as the fear of floating, hollowing out theory of exchange rate regimes, exit strategies. Thirdly, present the theory about exchange rate regime transition. Finally, reviews the productions about the time of exchange rate regime transition. These productions are researched by many economics, which come from China and other counties. Their researches enlightened me, and give me much inspiration.Chapter II studies the characteristics of emerging countries and the time of exchange rate regime transition of emerging countries, and draws some conclusions through case study on specific countries. First, defines the meaning of the emerging country. According to the definition of IMF, the emerging countries referred to the countries whose financial market is immature but already open to foreign investors. Secondly, carries on case study of the evolution of exchange rate regime in Taiwan, Poland, Chile, and Thailand. Finally, analyzes the characteristics of the successful transition time of exchange rate regime in emerging countries: the economy of the country is all right, the rate of GDP increase so fast; the real exchange rate of the money is in the course of appreciation; the country has enough foreign exchange repertory, to protect the country from speculate strike; strengthen the control of capital that flow speculate in a short time.Chapter III according to the conclusions above analyzes the transition of RMB exchange rate regime. First, the economic numbers of China in resent years reveals that the economy of China circulated nicer, and this trend will continue. Secondly, introduce a model, which can forecast the persistent appreciation time of RMB exchange rate. Through this model, we can conclude that RMB will appreciate in a long time. Thirdly, a large number of foreign exchange reserve is very important. If a country has enough foreign exchange reserve, the country will have the ability to stabilize its exchange rate, and could help the country accomplish the exchange rate regime transition successfully. Finally, to accomplish the exchange rate regime transition successfully, the country also should strengthen the control of speculate capital.Chapter IV also according to the conclusions above, we could predict the next transition of RMB exchange rate regime. In which conditions RMB exchange rate regime could switch to free floating exchange rate regime. Chapter V through the analysis above, we summarize the whole thesis, and achieve two conclusions.Finally, according to the experience of successful exchange rate regime transition of emerging countries, we can draw the conclusion that China’s exchange rate regime transition is timely and in reason. What is more important is that, exchange rate regime transition is not a static problem, it’s a dynamic process. Exchange rate regime transition is not get something done once and for ever. There is none exchange rate regime suit all countries in a period or a country in all periods. So research on exchange rate regime transition is very significative.

  • 【分类号】F832.6
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