

The Study of Inheritance and Development of Uyghur Music and Dance Art from the Programmes That Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe(1949-2005)

【作者】 朱大伟

【导师】 周吉;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对新疆歌舞团的一些离退休老演员的集体座谈和个别访谈以及多年来的耳闻眼见,总结新疆歌舞团自成立以来五十多年间所上演的各类的节目的成败经验,提出自己对维吾尔歌舞艺术继承与发展的一些看法。文章分为绪论、正文、以及结语三大部分,其中正文分为三个部分,第一部分介绍新疆歌舞团的成立与发展过程;第二部分将新疆歌舞团五十多来上演的节目按音乐类、舞蹈类和歌舞综合类三个类别作专门的介绍;第三部分提出自己对维吾尔歌舞艺术继承与发展的看法,提出各类节目应该符合时代、人民的审美要求,并应该在且如何在继承的基础上有所创新。文章还指出,培养优秀的新疆本土歌舞从业人员是发展维吾尔歌舞艺术的必需,发展维吾尔歌舞艺术还要注意建立和谐的人际关系,共同为构建和谐文化和和谐社会服务。

【Abstract】 This thesis has analysed the successful and unsuccessful programmes that Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe has made in the past fifty years, and has raised some perspectives that how the Uygur Music and Dance Art should be inherited and developed upon communications with some retired song and dance preformer of Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe , as well as the writer’s personal experiences with the Uygur Music and Dance Art.This thesis can be divided into three chapters that including prologue ,main body and conclusion.And in the main body, A brief introduction to the development of Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe is made in Charter One; in Chapter Two, the programmes that Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe has made in the past fifty years are sorted into three categories: Musical, Orchestic and Dances with Music, also a special introduction is given to each of them; in the Third Chapter, the writer raised some personal ideas of his own that how the programmes should meet the requirement of the times as well as the taste of the spectaters, and how creations should be made upon advantages be taken from the heritage. The thesis has also indicated that it is a necessity to cultivate Xinjiang-based local professionals for Uygur Music and Dance Art, as well as that the establishment of harmonious public relationship is a vital procedure for the development of Uygur Music and Dance Art.

  • 【分类号】J722.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】332