

【作者】 张晶晶

【导师】 岳峰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪二胡艺术经历了近一百年的历程。在这一历史进程中,二胡艺术在作品创作、演奏技术、教学传承与理论研究领域上硕果累累。尤其在演奏领域,二胡技术的发展突飞猛进,引人注目。与此相关的研究论述洋洋大观,各抒己见。本人以二胡演奏技术为立足点,从历史学、形态学和美学角度综观20世纪二胡演奏技术的概观,以期为二胡艺术理论研究提供一个宏观的视角,为二胡演奏技术研究系统理论工程的构建作前期整体分析的铺垫,为二胡演奏教学实践提供理论指导。文章分三个章节,第一章,历史回眸——二胡演奏技术的发展轨迹;第二章,操琴之法——二胡演奏技术的主要类别及其特征;第三章,“指与音和音与意和”——二胡演奏技术的艺术表现。其中,第一章节设为本文的重点章节,分为五个部分,从史学角度简略梳理了20世纪二胡演奏技术由简入繁、由少渐多的发展轨迹,史论结合,通过纵横分析比较,寻找各个阶段的异同点和关联点,明晰出20世纪二胡演奏技术发展脉络。第二章节拟就形态学角度,分析二胡演奏技术的主要类别,将其定性为“硬件”和“软件”技术两部分。此部分着意将二胡演奏者音乐修养和人文修养归于“软件”技术并入演奏技术内容讨论,详述了两部分的内容,并探讨了两者相互依存的辨证关系。第三章节则从音乐美学角度着重于二胡演奏技术的艺术表现。首先探讨演奏技术的艺术功用,提出演奏技术是音乐文本转换为音响的媒介这一观点,并列举了揉弦、滑音和浪弓三种代表性技法阐述二胡演奏技术的艺术表现。通过对三个章节的论述,初步探索二胡演奏技术理论体系。文章在结语处将二胡技术发展旺盛不衰的生命力归结于对民族音乐源泉的执着汲取,同时针对目前的研究现状指出了问题的所在,如“曲文不均”“营养不良”等等,以期引起二胡界的重视,留待在实践中提高和完善。

【Abstract】 Erhu art has experienced nearly one hundred years’ historical process in the twentith centry.During the process, it has gained great harvest in the fields of producing, playing, teaching and reseaching.Especially in the playing, erhu’s technology has developed dramatically, hence attracting nationwide attention.Reachers nonstop expressing their own opinions, thus forming the great number of revelent ducumentary.The article aims to generally outline erhu’s playing technology in the20th centry from the angle of historics, morphologics and esthetics, attempting to construct erhu’s playing technology theory systemetically and comprehensively and providing theorical instruction for practice of playing and teaching.The article includes three chapters.The first covers the developing history of erhu playing technology from simple to complicated which is an important part;The second concerns its main sorts.The third explains its artistic expression.The article focuses on the first chaper which, combining history and discussion, historically outlines erhu playing technology’s four-period progress which has advanced rapidly.By the above analysis in length and breadth,the author aims to find out similarities,deferences and relationship between different periods.The second chapter introduces erhu playing technology’s basic sorts,including"hardware" and "software".Here the article dwells on their contents,and creatively integrates musical and literal accomplishment of players into components of erhu playing technology to study as well as their dialectic relationship.The third chapter focuses on artistic expression of erhu playing technology.The author discusses its artistic function,presents the idea,that is,it’s a kind of media that helps music texts change into sound,and specializes three representive technology,glissandi,vibrato and lumpy bow to illustrate its artistic expression.By the instruction of above three chapters,the article attempts to explore theorical system of erhu playing technology.In the ending,in view of relevent research actuality,the author presents some dificiency to get gradually improved and perfected in practice.

  • 【分类号】J632.21
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】452