

【作者】 程志宏

【导师】 刘晓东;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 教育应当以人的天性为前提,顺应儿童的天性。尊崇天性、尊重儿童、解放儿童,这是儿童教育的灵魂。但是,在现实的儿童教育中却存在着诸多违背儿童天性的现象,例如,种类繁多的“神童教育”的“著作”充斥市场、各种各样“定制神童”的“计划”与“方案”层出不穷,各种类型的“兴趣班”不断兴起等。这些背离儿童天性、儿童教育规律的教育给孩子造成巨大的生理与心理压力,导致一些曾经全国甚至世界知名的的“神童”、“天才”一个接一个“早逝”。所以,本论文主要是通过对这些教育现象的思考,剖析根源,寻找问题的症结,以确保儿童、教育的健康发展。本论文主要分为三部分:第一部分对“天性”的概念进行简单界定,对东西方教育家们关于教育与天性的论述进行综述;第二部分采用“破”的思维方式,对儿童教育中存在的诸多违背儿童天性的现象进行考察,发现问题,力求从根本上寻找问题的症结,为下文提供基础;第三部分主要是采用“立”的思维方式,就儿童天性与儿童教育展开进一步论证,并得出儿童教育应当顺应儿童天性的结论。

【Abstract】 Human nature is the precondition of the education. The education should adapt to human nature. Respecting human nature,respecting children,emancipating children, which are the soul of the childhood education. But unfortunately,there are some actualities which are contrast with the soul in realistic childhood education. For example, lots of so-called "quality education" and "books" are flooding into the market, various "customization child prodigy," "plan" and "sketch" are emerging. The education like this is contrast with human nature and the developing orderliness of children .It made tremendous physical and psychological pressure on children. Some had even led to the country’s world-renowned "child prodigy", "genius" one after another "untimely death".So this paper mainly via discussing some education actualities to find the foots of problems and to seek the resolvents by which to maintain the well development of children and education.This paper consists of three parts : the first part mainly define the concept of the nature simply and discuss on the opinion of educators about nature and education. The second part mainly discuss on some education actualities to find problems and to seek the resolvents. The third part is mainly make theoretic sublimation and get the conclusion that childhood education should follow human nature.

【关键词】 儿童教育天性
【Key words】 childeducationhuman nature
  • 【分类号】G610
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1371