

【作者】 王永花

【导师】 吴伟;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 知识经济、信息化和全球化时代的到来以及信息技术的迅速发展,极大地改变了人们的生活和学习方式,对人才的培养也提出了更高的要求。传统教育所培养的一些基本技能固然必不可少,但不足以应对当今的生活和学习需求。基于问题的学习模式(Problem-based learning,以下简称PBL)是随着建构主义思潮的影响发展起来的一种新型教学模式,被誉为国外教学改革浪潮中多年来教育领域“最引人注目的革新”,国内也纷纷采用该教学模式进行教学改革并取得较好的成绩。高等教育培养的毕业生大都面临进入社会,走上工作岗位,如何使即将走向社会的学生缩短学习和就业之间、理论和实践之间的差距,使他们更好、更快地适应社会,这是高等教育必须面对和需要解决的问题,因此高校教学方法的改革迫在眉睫,要寻求一种有效的教学方法或教学模式。笔者认为,基于问题的学习可以作为课堂教学改革很好的突破口,来解决高校教学中的诸多问题。首先,笔者大量参阅了国内外关于PBL的理论探讨,包括定义、特征、基本流程及其教学价值,还对课堂下的PBL与网络环境下的PBL做了比较研究,尤其是在问题设计上通过研读国外案例,提出我国中学物理教学中问题的来源及其设计途径;其次,在参考国内外PBL学习网站及学习建站技术的基础上,设计和构建了PBL学习网站;在以上的前期准备下,以高师“中学物理教学法”课程为例,借助和依托PBL学习网站为支持平台,做了一次基于问题的学习模式应用于高等师范院校的教学尝试,该实践一共进行了三轮小规模的行动研究,研究结果证明了该教学模式在高校教学中的适用性及其效果,获得了教学应用的验证性成功。希望通过这次尝试,可以对将基于问题的学习模式在高校教学的推广起到一定的促进作用,培养即将走向社会的大学生的自主学习能力、合作学习能力及创新思维等,为他们更好地走向社会做必要的过渡准备。

【Abstract】 The advent of the era of knowledge-based economy, information technology and globalization and the rapid development of information technology, greatly changed the way people live and study and put a higher demand for training of personnel. Traditional education’ s basic skills training are essential, but they are difficult to meet today’s living and learning needs. Problem-based learning (PBL) is a new teaching model developed with the thought of construction impacting. PBL is called as the most eye-catching innovation in abroad years’ teaching reforming. Now PBL is adopted for teaching reform at home and get better results.Most of the college graduates facing to enter society and go to work, how to shorten the gap between learning and employment and promote them to adapt to society better and quickly, is a problem that is necessarily faced and solved by higher education. So college reform of teaching methods needs to find an effective teaching methods or teaching mode. I believe PBL can be a good starting point of classroom teaching reform to solve many problems in college teaching.Firstly, I have read a lot of the theory at home and abroad on PBL, including definitions, characteristics, the basic process and the value of teaching, and made a comparative study on PBL in the classroom and under the network environment. Especially, I have read many abroad cases on problem design and have proposed the source of the problem and ways to design. Secondly, I design and build a website on PBL. Based on Preparations, I have inquired PBL’ applicability and effect in college teaching by doing a teaching practice that applies PBL in normal universities teaching by taking "Physics Teaching" courses as an example and relying on the PBL website. The results show the applicability and the effectiveness of PBL in the college teaching, and this practice was a successful application of the Verification. I hope that the practice can play a certain role in promoting PBL in college teaching and the college education will be enough for graduates to better prepare for the transition to society.

  • 【分类号】G642.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1137