

【作者】 白富帅

【导师】 谭明义;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作者采用专家访谈、问卷调查、数理统计、逻辑分析等研究方法,以中国散打职业化发展现状及前景为研究对象。探讨武术散打这一古老的中国民族传统体育项目作为一项产业进入市场,研究分析其职业化运作现状,揭示其运行规律,构建职业散打的运作模式及理论概念体系,为散打运动向职业化发展提供理论依据。研究主要结果:(1)武术散打产生于远古时期,并经历了五个发展时期。目前已形成了以全运会为龙头、以奥运会为目标的锦标赛的竞赛体系。同时,曾经的中国武术散打王争霸赛和当前的中国武术散打俱乐部争霸赛就是职业化散打赛事的一种有益尝试。(2)职业散打市场是散打“竞赛产品”的生产、交换和消费关系的总和。对职业散打、职业散打产业、职业散打市场、职业散打竞赛、职业散打运动员、职业散打俱乐部六个概念初步界定。(3)中国武术散打职业化运作是指武术散打这一中国传统的民族体育项目,作为体育服务产品进入市场。在市场运营过程中,以市场营销学理论为指导,结合本项目的特点,通过长期的实践检验,而归纳总结的理论。(4)中国武术散打走职业化的道路是符合改革要求的,赛事具有较高的收视率,且有稳定的观众基础但尚处于起步阶段,以男性和20—39岁之间并较高教育程度的观众为主要消费群体,观众观看比赛动机程多元化趋势,目前散打赛事采用的是企业化的运营管理模式,但在运动队的组织管理上,依然是“双轨制”的管理体制。(5)拳击产生于远古时期,后经历了五个发展时期。职业拳击通过完善的组织管理体系、俱乐部实体经营、高度市场化的职业拳击经纪和推广人制度、巨大的商业收入来源、多种媒体的协助、有线电视和赌城的介入、完善的法律保障体系、种族间和政治间的斗争等多种因素,最终成为世界知名的体育项目之一。相比之下,我国的武术散打的职业化发展有较多差异,并水平较低。(6)面对未来,我国武术散打的职业化运作必须建立一个符合我国国情的武术散打赛事组织运营体制;加强赛事管理的法规建设;使赛事向国际化方向发展;加强专业的经营管理人才的培养;加强对赛制和规则的研究;确立武术散打民族品牌,精神、文化、政治相结合的宣传运行模式;加强武术散打系列产品和销售渠道开发;加强医务监督;合理处理资金分配比例。

【Abstract】 The author used interview of expert, questionnaires, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other methods. Chinese Sanda professional development and the prospects for study. Exploring Sanda this ancient Chinese traditional ethnic sport as an industry to enter the market. Analysising the operation of its professional status, revealing its operation rules, the operation mode and the theoretical concept system of Vocational Sanda provides a theoretical basis to its professional development.Our main findings : (1)Sanda featuring arising from time immemorial, and has experienced five development period. Games has been formed to lead to the Olympics for the Championship race target system. Meanwhile, Both wang had a Chinese Wushu Sanshou Competition and the Chinese Wushu Sanshou Club Competition are benefical trying of professional race Sanda. (2) The professional sanda market is the summation of the production exchange and consumption relationships of "emulation" products. Initial defining six conceptions professional athletes, professional athletes industries and markets professional athletes, professional athletes race Sanda professional athletes, Sanda professional club. (3) China Sanda professional operation is the traditional national sport of China. Entering the market as sports service and product. Business process in the market to take marketing theory as a guide, combining the features of the project, through long-term practice. And summarized the theory. (4) Chinese Wushu Sanshou conforms to the reform to taking a professional way. It demands of the race with a higher rating, but also a stable audience base is still at the initial stage, and the 20-39 year-old persons with a higher level of education among the audience as the main consumer group. Competition motivation-diversified audience, the Sanshou event is the Business Enterprise Management. But in the organization and management of sports teams, it is still a "dual system" of management system. (5) Boxing arising from ancient times, and go through five development period. Professional boxing organizations to improve the management system for clubs operating entities, highly professional boxers broker and promote a market-oriented system, and a tremendous source of business income, with the assistance of a variety of media. Cable and Las Vegas despite the involvement of a well-established legal security system, the inter-ethnic and political struggle between a variety of factors, such as, eventually becomes one of the world-renowned sports. In comparison, professional development of China’s Wushu athletes have more differences, and a lower level. (6)In the future, Martial Arts in China need to establish a professional operation with the national conditions of China Business Sanda organizational structure; Strengthen the regulations so that race to develop in the international direction; Strengthen professional training of management personnel of the tournament and rules; Featuring established a operation mode with national brands, spiritual, cultural, political propaganda combined . Featuring a series of products and enhancing the development of marketing channels; Strengthen medical supervision . Dealing with the distribution ratio in a correct way.

【关键词】 武术散打职业化发展职业拳击
【Key words】 Wushu SandaProfessionalDevelopmentProfessional boxing
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】727