

【作者】 张海东

【导师】 陈莉;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 首先,国内媒体对突发公共卫生事件报道的研究一部分以思辨研究为主,这种感悟式的总结尽管对突发事件报道有一定的启示作用,但理论的科学性、客观性、严密性值得推敲。另一部分研究,虽然对突发事件的报道使用了实证研究的方法,但似乎重描述统计结果而轻分析原因,结果是造成数据的堆积,而缺少理论上的深入探讨。其次,在分析当中缺少比较研究,即使有,这种比较研究多为媒体之间的横向共时性分析,很少有时间上的纵向历时性分析。再次,对事件报道的研究视域往往集中于国家级媒体,较少对省级媒体的关注。最后,相关的研究结论往往是以宏观的角度来提出对策,很少有从微观与宏观相结合的角度来提出对策、解决问题。基于此,本文主要使用定量的实证研究方法,选取危机报道中当中的一个分支——突发公共卫生事件报道作为研究的切入口,把省级报纸《新华日报》和同属于一个报业集团的《扬子晚报》作为研究的个案,并结合部分读者问卷调查,在分析传播效果的基础上探索突发公共卫生事件报道的某些特征,进而提出一些改进突发事件报道的方法。在对两报进行内容分析后发现,两报在纵向时间维度的报道差异要明显于横向比较的媒体维度的差异。2004、05年禽流感报道的表现要基本好于2003年非典报道。在对南通市300名读者随机问卷调查后发现,人们对两报2005年禽流感报道的满意度要高于2003年非典报道,对《扬子晚报》的整体评价要好于《新华日报》。读者希望媒体主要从信息量、准确性、及时性等方面对报道加以改进。本文在最后一章分别从微观的角度对突发公共事件报道提出了改进意见,从宏观角度提出了如何建构突发公共事件报道应急系统与应急机制。

【Abstract】 First of all, up to now one part of studys about public health emergency only tell us how or what about of the object of research .Though the conclusion is revelation to report in crisis in a way, it is whether scientific and objective or not that need more reasoning and argumentation.The other part of studys attach importance to process in parallel to analysis, which lead to accumulation of date and lacking of deep theory. Secondly, previous studys lack of researching from time to time. What’s more, the study of point of view is more focuse on national media to provincial media .In the end, the countermeasure is raised about macroscopical point of view lacking of microcosmic angle of view. Above all, the paper is adopted empirical research method choosing public health emergency as an entrance. Choosing XingHua Daily and Yangtse Evening Post as a case of study have a content analysis combining of questionnaire research which describes effects of communication .Then we bring forward countermeasures and material methods aiming at conclusion of the study.We found that longitudinal comparison is more different to horizontal comparison and the performance of report Of bird-flu in 2004、2005 is better to SARS news in 2003 .the three hundred of readers of Nantong city in Jiangsu province who selected by random sampling give higher valuation to news about bird-flu comparing to news about SARS and better valuation to Yangtse Evening Post in parallel to Xinhua Daily. The readers expect media to improve quantity of information, veracity about public emergency and to report news in time.The last chapter of the paper puts forward effective methods in order to improve the performance of crisis news and raise countermeasures on mechanism and emergency system of crisis report.

  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】660