

【作者】 邵天松

【导师】 董志翘;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以中古词汇为选题,以中土佛教撰述文献《法显传》为研究对象,旨在采用共时和历时相结合的方法,通过定性和定量的分析,对《法显传》的词汇作穷尽性的调查,展示其词汇系统的构成和来源情况,并结合同时期其它相关文献,初步揭示出中古时期,尤其是魏晋南北朝这一特殊历史阶段词汇系统的发展演变情况。同时,通过《法显传》的个案研究展现出中古时期汉译佛典词汇逐渐向中土文献扩散(中土化)的动态过程,并对此试作解释。通过研究表明,《法显传》中除了部分继承上古的词汇而外,更有大量的外来词汇和口语词汇。与同时期的其它中土文献相比,《法显传》呈现出更高的口语性。其中一些词语的用法为其它文献所未见,一般辞书亦未收录,这些词语的出现可以为辞书提供更早的例证。另外,对《法显传》中佛典词汇的调查,结果显示,有相当部分的佛典词汇,首先是通过《法显传》这样一类由具有汉语母语背景的译经者所著的佛教撰述,逐渐扩散到中土文献中去的。这也是佛典词汇扩散到中土文献一个最重要的步骤,此举为佛典语言增添了新的生命力,象征着佛典词汇融入汉语的开端。

【Abstract】 This thesis is on the study of the vocabulary in the Middle Ancient Times and focuses on the Chinese Buddhist Scripture Faxian’s Pilgrimage to India(法显传). The study is based on the diachronic and the synchronic analysis methods. We investigate the facts about the vocabulary and try to reveal its composing and origin through the quantitative analysis as well as the qualitative analysis. Make the examination on the other similar literature, the thesis also reveals the development and evolvement of Middle Ancient Chinese vocabulary system in Wei, Jin and Period of devision. At the same time, through the case study in Faxian’s Pilgrimage to India(法显传), this thesis reflects the spread of Buddhist words from the translation of Buddhist scriptures to the native writings, namely the course of localization and try to expound this language phenomena.After the study, we draw the conclusion that there are not only some words,which can be traced back to Ancient Chinese but also some foreign words and spoken words.The vocabulary in Faxian’s Pilgrimage to India(法显传) showed a much more conspicuous spoken tendency than the vocabulary of contemporary Chinese works. Some of the words haven’t been discovered in other literature neither explained in several present dictionaries. It can offer earlier example for dictionaries.Furthermore, based on the investigation, the thesis considers that a lot of Buddhist words are spreaded from Chinese Buddhist Scripture, which is wrote by Chinese Buddhists, to the native writings. It is the most significant step in the spreading of Buddhist words in Chinese literature, and it is injected new blood into the circulation of the language in the Buddhist scriptures, signaling the beginning of the fusion of Buddhist words with Chinese.

  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】396