

The Transplantation of Life

【作者】 杨青

【导师】 白杨;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 北美华文文学是世界华文文学的重镇之一,有着一百五十多年的历史。20世纪五六十年代随着以白先勇、於梨华等为代表的台湾留学生文学的兴起,北美华文文学迎来了第一个高潮。这一代人精神上背负着双重放逐的历史记忆,其作品多为浪子悲歌式的书写。90年代以来,北美华文文学进入一个新的创作高峰期。以大陆留学生为主体的新移民文学作家不再局限于悲凄的乡愁叙事,而是走向更为广泛的社会、历史、人生,为海外华文文学的发展增添了新的艺术因素与美学风格。本文尝试在历史的视野中梳理北美华文文学的创作主题,考察在复杂的社会状态与文化语境中,北美华人作家的生命体验、文化心态,以及由身份的追寻与认同而产生的困惑与焦虑,通过对作品主题的分析,我们也可以看到不同时期移民的心态、文化选择和价值立场的变化。

【Abstract】 The North America Chinese writing may trace to the middle of 19th century. It is apart from now to have more than 150 years history. North America Chinese literature development and Chinese people’s immigration history close correlation. The early Chinese people immigrate in the work filled the entreaty to be tolerant and the protest discrimination sound. The sixties and the seventies of the 20th century, the rise of Taiwan foreign student literature, truly ushered in the Chinese literature in the North American section to a climax. Bai xianyong and others who represent the Taiwan foreign student writers, their works usually express that“an exile“`s lonely, is rich in“the homesickness feeling".In the late 1970s, the mainland foreign policy is relaxed to resume sending students abroad. In the 1980s, New Immigration Literature appeared which take the mainland foreign student as the main body in the North America .Although their works has shown a similar pain and confusion as Taiwan foreign students literature, however, they also have quite different. The theme of the new immigration literature is no longer wedded to the past, but to the wider society, history and life. In a way, homesickness virtually dissolved.PartⅠNarration of homesickness1. The hometown imagination and historical memoryTaiwan writers which go abroad to the United States in 1950s and 1960s, most of them have their own or father’s exile experience from the mainland to Taiwan, it means that further self-imposed exile for go abroad. Looking back the late dual exile, the memories become so impressive. This is the theme what Bai xianyong want to tell in his representative works <The Man in Taipei>. The mainland is a dream for "Taipeinese" forever, "Taipeinese" get some comfort from refresh those dreams. Nie Hualing’s short story <patriotic lottery ticket>, <a red twist>, <Lonely> also show that theme—-the hometown imagination and historical memory. She descript various types of people whose have to live in Taiwan, feeling lonely, they struggle between idealism and disillusionment.2. "Lost the root" and "search the root"(1) Identity lost under the cultural conflicts and the death imagesWhen the student go a broad to alien land, it is hard to avoid the feeling confused. They face of cultural conflicts and their own identity and cultural identity of the anxiety. Such conflicts and anxiety make them at a loss. Bai Xianyong, Nie Hua-ling described the protagonist which choice to death or downfall when they can’t find themselves.(2)The "Rootless generation" and the "waking generation""Rootless generation" refers to the Taiwan student who can’t melt into American society and also can’t melt into their hometown, they can’t find their roots. "Rootless generation of spokesman" became a title of Yu Lihua for her works. By the 1970s, overseas, "the defend movement" rise, coupled with Taiwan’s thought disengaged, more students participate in creation, has greatly promoted the development of Chinese Literature in North America. The foreign students literature beyond a major source of personal feelings in this period, and a new layer of political concern. The "waking generation" characters appeared. They are no longer worried and confused in their minds and gradually developed a sense of their own nation. PartⅡDigestion of homesickness1. The narration of personal legendNew immigrants from the mainland in 1980’s and 1990’s, they set foot on a foreign land with nothing. For just wakes up in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the rich material in the West, for many of them are so attractive. Early Novels of new immigrants has shown great concern for the survival of individual substances. Cao Guilin’s <the Beijing man in New York>, and Zhou li’s <the Manhattan Chinese woman> tell us their legend about“American dream”. Overall, the article is not high grade, and the content is quite superficial, but it is true.2."History" reflectionsAfter 1980s the overseas Chinese literature was take more attention to zhe history. Such as Zha Jianying’s works .in the 1980s she had created a number of Chinese overseas students. She described the students are usually from the "Cultural Revolution" in the Chinese mainland, special life experience makes it difficult to forget the past, and lived under the burden of history forever.Since the 1990s a new trend appeared in Chinese literature overseas. The focus is no longer on the difficult life experiences, but focus on the character’s emotional. Zhang Ling’s literary creation reflected the track of immigrant literature considerably. From the early days of personal emotional venting to reflect on the fate of a generation, and eventually achieve a blend of two cultures, East and West. In Zhang Ling’s novel world, East culture and West culture from opposition to conciliation.3. Exploration of humanity(1)On the edge of human nature: speak for the weak Discussion of human nature, it has a universal significance. Because of Yan Geling, the new immigrant literature has an international outlook in a first time. She‘s broader perspective and depth rational aesthetic touch made the North American Chinese literature into a new aesthetic high.(2) The feeling of life under the cultural backgroundIn 1990’s, with the network electronic periodicals appear, many writers come forth in the North America Chinese literature. Perhaps the most affected are ShaoJun. Through writing, he wants to share his unique experiences with the readers and release his depression, and to express the feelings of isolation and language. Through an individual’s survival and positioning, ShaoJun wants to demonstrate the social and cultural changes. Yan zhen and other writers also have some excellent works. They told the reader their feeling of life under the cultural background.PartⅢConflict and confusion in hometown writing1."To stay with" perplexityIn Taiwan foreign Students literature, we always find a sign that“I can’t go back”.But in new immigrant literature, there is other confusion "when to go back" .They become to think why I am here and seek for the dream they had lost.2.“Longing for the homeland”and“reflecting on the homeland”The narration of misery about homeland originates from their experiences. Taiwan writers which go abroad in 1950s and 1960s is well versed the traditional culture of china, can’t forget the Chinese culture, country ideas, and national consciousness. They can’t escape the culture burden in genius and heart. But the new immigrant writers which go abroad in 1980s and 1990s, they grown up after the culture revolution, and have a smaller influence to the traditional culture of china. They can receive more new culture bravely. To the traditional culture they proved to be a more rational spirit. To the homeland they also have a wide view.ConclusionChinese Literature in North America is getting mature in more than 150 years. From these works we can understand Chinese immigrant’s special experience. From the early immigrant’s poem which were carved in prison of angle island to the story of new immigrants struggle to fight. The North America Chinese literature is getting mature. Through the subject of works, we can see more changes in their culture choice and the value standpoint .In more than 150 years, Chinese immigration has completed the transformation from“estranged city”to“take the strange places for hometown”.

【关键词】 北美华文文学主题乡愁故国想象身份探寻
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】I106.4;I0-03
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】369