

【作者】 蒋林霞

【导师】 沈松勤;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 李光,崇宁五年进士及第,后官至礼部、刑部、吏部尚书,并于绍兴八年,官拜参知政事。但正当他处于人生事业顶峰时期,因不满秦桧卖国行径,受秦桧排挤,被贬藤州、再贬琼州、又移昌化军,经历了妻离子散、家破人亡,白发人送黑发人的辛酸历程。面对严酷的党争与自身的坎坷命运,海南时期的李光却能作诗写易,自乐其中,以“诗”、“易”的形态来安顿心灵,排遣情累,与其被贬前那些慷慨激昂、敢于争论的奏议、书信文相比,无论在内容上,还是风格上,均大相径庭。究其原因,既离不开当时整个南宋激烈而又频繁的党争形势,又离不开宋朝贯穿士大夫生命始终的“为己之学”的影响。本文通过对李光海南时期生平和诗文进行编年考证的基础上,着眼于对其海南阶段诗歌创作与易学研究两方面的分析,将李光的时代、生平和际遇放在揭示其创作主体的内涵特征及其演进过程中,以具体的作品分析为例,考察李光是如何运用“诗”、“易”形态来表现其深刻复杂的内心特征,以达到物我两适的潇洒境界,从而体现其强烈的主体生命意识。

【Abstract】 Li Guang, in 1106 of the Southern Song Dynasty, entered the highest imperial examination and became one of the successful candidates. Later, he was appointed as the Minister of Rites, the Minister of punishment and the Minster of Civil Office. In 1138, he was appointed as the Assistant of administrator. However, when he was in the peak period of his cause, due to dissatisfaction of Qin Hui traitorous acts, he was squeezed out by Qin Hui, and demoted to Tengzhou, and then was banished to Qiongzhou and Changhuajun. He had gone through a lot of sadness, and his family was broken up. But at that time, facing the grim party struggles and the fate of his own frustrations, Li Guang in Hainan could still write "Poems" and "Yi", and enjoyed himself to divert himself from sadness and tire. However, compared with the letters and the memorials to the emperor which were impassioned and expressed his ideas sharply, these poems were widely divergent in terms of content and style. There were some reasons. First, it can not separated from the intense and frequent Party struggles in the throughout Southern Song Dynasty. Second, it was also inseparable from the effect of "Learn for its own", the theory running through the life of exemplars in that time. Based on Li Guang’ life and poetry series, and the analysis of the Poetry study and the Yi study, this paper puts the dynasty he lived in, his life and experiences in the process which reveals its inner characteristics, and then use the specific entries as examples to observe how Li Guang use "Poetry" and "Yi" to reflect his complicated inner world, which can manifest his strong life sense.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【下载频次】207