

The Research and Implementation of Short Message System Based on Hospital Information System

【作者】 刘小军

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 移动通信技术与医院信息系统的发展融合产生了移动医务服务。短信息服务(Short Message Service)具有收费便宜、容易使用、快捷、存储转发等优点,提供可靠的、低开销的无线数据业务。用户无需纸和笔记录,内容可以存储并可随时查阅信息,是现阶段最重要、最方便的无线数据接入手段,倍受广大手机用户的欢迎。因此作为移动医务服务的一种形式,面向医院信息系统(HospitalInformation System)的短信息服务具有巨大市场潜力,成为研究和应用的热点之一。本文介绍了面向医院信息系统的短信息服务系统的现状,介绍了短信息的技术原理并且分析了信息资源实体与短信网关的接口通讯协议。通过分析医院的业务需求和移动技术的限制,从整体的角度设计了一个面向医院信息系统的短信息服务系统——HIS短信服务平台。HIS短信服务平台是由短信网关通讯接口模块、web操作维护模块、业务处理模块、数据库模块等多个模块组成。在本文中着重要实现了短信网关通讯接口模块、数据库模块及其访问技术的设计。网络通讯接口模块负责与运营商的短信网关连接,屏蔽具体的短信协议的差异。而数据库模块及访问技术则关系到医院的业务实现。HIS短信服务平台主要解决了病人挂号或者查询医务信息不便的问题,又增加了医院快速发布信息的渠道。随着短信业务的发展,该系统的负荷也会与日俱增,今后面临的问题是系统的扩容和处理能力的提高。由于系统采用模块化设计,具有良好的扩展性格和可维护性,一定程度上降低了二次开发的难度。

【Abstract】 The development and combination of mobile communication technology and Hospital Information System give birth to mobile medical service. Short Message Service is widely accepted by mobile users for its lower cost, easier operation and speedy message. And content of SMS can be stored and consulted at any time without record in the paper by users. To sum up, Short Message System based on Hospital Information System has emormous market potential and becomes one of the focal fields to be researched and developed.In the paper, we introduce the current situation of SMS base on HIS and tecnology principle; analyse the transmittion interface protocol between SMS base on HIS and Internet Short Message Gateway. By analysis of hospital’s need and technological limitation,we design a physical application of moblie medical service named HIS-SMS.HIS-SMS is make up of gateway subsystem, WWW operation subysystem,settle bussiness subsystem and database subsystem.Specially, gateway subsyste m, database subsystem and database access is introduced. Gateway subsystem connect with short message gateway,and convert peculiar protocol intonormal f orm that used in HIS-SMS.With the development of business of the message, the load of this syste m will grow with each passing day too.Problems that will face in the future are the systematic dilatation and improvement of treatment ability. The systemadopts the module to design, have good expansion and maintainability.The de gree of difficulty of secondary development has reduced to a certain extent.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
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