

The Legal Study on Constructing Financial Regulatory Coordination Mechanism

【作者】 阮玉洁

【导师】 徐岩;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年3月6日,十届全国人大三次会议审议通过了国务院机构改革方案,设立银行业监督管理委员会,实现央行的货币政策与银行监管职能的分离。2003年4月29日,随着银监会的正式挂牌成立,银行、证券、保险——中国金融业“分业经营、分业监管”的框架最终完成。但是金融监管体系的完善还需要做很多的工作。虽然法律对在中国人民银行与三大金融监管机构之间、在货币政策与金融监管之间建立综合协调机制作了原则性的规定。但是该机制至今仍然缺位,金融工作中的许多具体问题难以得到及时有效的解决,直接影响了金融工作的效率和金融风险控制。同时随着金融一体化、全球化趋势的不断发展,充分合作基础上的全球统一协调监管已是大势所趋。我国迫切需要建立健全一个高层次的,兼面向国内和国际的金融监管协调机制,协调国内及国际金融监管工作。因此,如何将法律中的原则性规定,通过设计一套切实可行的、指导性与操作性相结合的法律制度或机制予以落实,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文内容安排分为六个部分。其中第一部分重点解决金融监管及其金融监管协调的基础理论问题;第二部分研究我国金融监管体制的现状,然后提出问题,指出缺乏协调的金融监管存在潜在风险;第三部分在回顾了我国已有的、非制度化的金融监管协调方式的基础上,对我国金融监管协调提出了质疑,然后分析问题;第四部分对我国金融监管协调的客体——金融中介机构的发展做了分析;第五部分和第六部分在借鉴国外发达国家经验的基础上,对我国金融监管协调机制的建立进行了详细的论述,对如何建立金融监管协调机制以及金融监管协调机制的内容作了整体性的规划。在研究方法上,本文综合运用了比较研究,历史研究。方法上的创新与特色也在于对金融监管协调机制进行了经济学分析和法学分析。内容上的创新和特色,以“协调”为基准,通过对协调的理论基础、协调存在的问题和现实困难分析的基础上,提出结合我国的国情,从协调的客体、协调的目标、协调的机制出发,建立与我国金融监管体制相适应的金融监管协调机制。

【Abstract】 On March 6, 2003, the third session of the 10th National People’s Congress adopted the State Council institutional reform program, the establishment of Bank Regulatory Commission, to achieve the separation of Central Bank’s monetary policy and banking supervision functions. On April 29, 2003, with the CBRC official founded, banking, securities, insurance -- the "separate operation and separate supervision" framework of Chinese financial industry has been established. However, there would be a lot of efforts to improve the financial control system. Based on the principle law on constructing harmony mechanism between the People’s Bank and the three financial regulatory agencies, between the monetary policy and finance supervision, the constructing mechanism is still not perfect. However, many specific issues of financial problems still need settlement in a timely and effective way. It has direct impact on the efficiency of financial control and financial risks. With the continuing development of financial integration and globalization, it is the general trend that we should found full cooperation of global harmony regulation. China need to establish a high-level, domestic, international finance regulatory mechanism to coordinate domestic and international finance supervision. So how to carry out the legal prescript through kinds of ways is of great theoretical and practical significance.The content of the thesis is arranged to be divided into six parts. PartⅠhas focused on basic theoretical issues above solving the finance supervisory and regulatory coordination; Based on research of existent finance regulatory system, PartⅡhas focused on proposal of existing potential risks in the lack of finance supervision mechanism; After reviewing the existing finance regulatory coordinated foundation which is non-institutionalized, PartⅢhas put forward inquire on domestic finance regulatory coordination and analysed the problem; PartⅣhas analysed the development of intermedial institutions which is the object of finance regulatory coordination ; Referring to foreign experience in developed countries, PartⅤand PartⅥhas given detailed expatiation on the establishment of domestic finance supervisory mechanism. Besides, it has made comprehensive plan on establishing finance supervisory mechanism, introduced the content of coordination for finance supervision and finance controlling mechanisms to coordinate the contents of it.There are kinds of research methods in the thesis, such as comparative study of the use of this integrated, empirical studies. There is economic analysis and legal analysis above coordination mechanism for finance supervisory. On the basis of analyzing, the thesis has proposed that, it was urgent to establish coordination mechanism matching existing finance supervisal mechanism.

  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】267