

The Supervision of the Delegated Legislation

【作者】 王玲

【导师】 王爱民;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 法学理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 授权立法是一个国家立法制度的重要组成部分,是自19世纪30年代由英国开始的,自产生后它就伴随着社会生活的复杂化和政府职能的扩张而逐步发展起来。尽管授权立法的出现引起过人们许多的争议,但即使是在曾经严守三权分立的国家,授权立法也不断发展起来。进入20世纪后,授权立法更是从理论到实践都被多数国家所认同,已经发展成为一项重要的法律制度。在我国,授权立法的历史实践先于理论,可以追溯到1954年《宪法》颁布后的几年,但其发展基本是在改革开放以后才开始发展起来的。1982年新宪法颁布后,授权立法制度才开始建立;2000年颁布的《立法法》对授权立法进行了相关规定;2005年12月16日,十届全国人大常委会第四十次委员长会议又完成了对《行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例、经济特区法规备案审查工作程序》(简称《法规备案审查工作程序》)的修订,完善了对授权立法的备案审查监督,加强了对授权立法的监督。这一系列实践活动、立法活动大大推进了我国授权立法制度的发展,但在授权立法监督方面还有不少问题值得探讨,为此,本文专就授权立法的监督问题展开研究。本文正文第一章首先对授权立法制度进行宏观的概括论述,介绍了授权立法制度的产生和演进,产生的原因以及英、美两个国家的授权立法概况。第二章介绍了我国授权立法制度产生的历史、概念、类型、位阶及我国现在的授权立法制度,着重讲了《立法法》中对我国的授权立法制度的规定。第三章介绍了外国的授权立法监督制度,并说明了我国的授权立法监督现状。第四章讲了授权立法监督的理论基础与制度完善。其中,法律保留原则确定了授权立法监督的范围;权力分立原则限定了横向与纵向的授权立法范围;人民主权原则强调了公众的参与性;程序公正原则保证了授权立法的过程公正与结果正义;授权规范的明确使授权立法的监督也明确化了。最后,探讨了授权立法监督其他方面的制度完善。

【Abstract】 Delegated legislation is an important part in a system of national legislation.It gradually developed with the complexity of social life and the expansion of government functions since the 1930s in the British. Although the delegated legislation has given rise to so many controversies, it still has developed even in the country which strictly observe the separation of powers. In the 20th century,delegated legislation has been recognized by most countries from theory to practice and it has become an important legal system.In China, the practice of the delegated legislation is ahead of its theory. Although the delegated legislation can be traced back to 1954, it has been developed since the reform and opening up. In 1982 after the promulgation of a new constitution amendment, the system of delegated legislation established. In 2000 with the promulgation of Legislation Act ,the delegated legislation also be prescribed in the law. In 2005 December 16, the chairman’s meeting of 10th meeting of the 40th NPC Standing Committee completed the amendments of the "administrative regulations, local laws and regulations,autonomy and special regulations,Special Economic Zone Rules review and record procedures "(referred to as" filing legislation review and record procedures "). The act not only perfect the review and record of the delegated legislation but also strengthen the supervision of the delegated legislation.The series of practical activities and legislative activities significantly advance the development of our legislative system authorized. However, in the area of supervision to the delegated legislation, there is still a lot of issues worth exploring. In this paper, I will start the study of the supervision of the delegated legislation.To start with,the first chapter of the text introduce the system of delegated legislation from a broad macro - generalization ,followed with its emergence and evolution, causes and generalization of several Western countries such as British and America.The second chapter not only describes the system of the delegated legislation in the history,but also describes its concept,type,the position step and role.Besides, the author also pay attention to the stipulations of the Legislation Act.Chapter III introduces the supervision status of the delegated legislationin in foreign countries and our country. Chapter IV spoke the supervision of the delegated legislation in the theory and the system . Among them, the principle of the statute retained has determined the scope of the delegated legislation ; The principle of the separation of power has defined the crosswise and the longitudinal scope of the delegated legislation; The people’s sovereignty principle emphasized the public’s participation; The procedure fairprinciple had guaranteed the delegated legislation’s process is fair and the result is just; The delegated standard explicitly caused its supervision also explicitly.Finally, Chapter IV has discussed how to perfect the supervision of the delegated legislation in the system.

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