

【作者】 肖辉进

【导师】 陈雷霆; 谷明汉;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文讨论了计算机辅助设计(CAD)在罗茨鼓风机上的应用,并完成了罗茨鼓风机叶轮CAD系统模型和主体结构的构建。本CAD系统是以罗茨鼓风机工程数据库为核心,用Visual C++建立功能完善的数据库管理系统,并通过Microsoft开放数据库互连(ODBC)标准来完成数据交换处理、标准规范及资料的检索,以常用算法及工程算法库作为计算分析的基本途径,以图形处理系统AutoCAD作为图形输出和交互修改的基本工具,是将罗茨鼓风机叶轮设计的先进理论和方法融入叶轮设计模块的综合性罗茨鼓风机叶轮计算机辅助设计系统。本系统可以完成对叶轮的一般强度校核,并可以进行罗茨鼓风机的热力计算,最后通过AutoCAD以参数化形式输出图形。本系统是在Windows环境下用Visual C++、Microsoft Access及AutoCAD提供的参数化设计语言ObjectARX综合编制而成。整个系统包括结构设计、强度校核及热力计算、报告输出、图形输出和帮助系统等五个主要部分,全部中文界面,易于操作和使用。

【Abstract】 The computer Aided Design (CAD) system for internal combustion Roots blower is studied in this paper, and the model of CAD system and main structure of Roots blower impeller are finished based on this idea.The system is based on the engineering database and construct DBMS (database manage system) by means of Visual C++, which can finish the data exchange, criterion and the searches of information under the standard of Microsoft ODBC; And the system adopt the regular and mechanical methods as the basic approach of calculation and analysis; And the Model of drawing export is viable through the modeling tool AutoCAD. As a whole, this system is a synthetical Roots blower impeller Computer Aided Design system which syncretize the advanced design methods of Roots blower impeller.In this CAD system, general fatigue strength calculation and hot-force analysis are conducted in detail, and the finial drawing of Roots blower impeller is exported through the method of parametric design in the environment of AutoCAD. This software is made up under MS-Windows operating system with some programming languages, including Visual C++, Microsoft Access, AutoCAD for windows and its programming interface ObjectARX. The system can be divided into five parts: structure design fatigue strength calculation and hot-force analysis, report export, drawing export and help system.

  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】146