

Research on Engineering Project Organization: Toward Governance Theory

【作者】 汪海舰

【导师】 杨飞雪;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 项目管理的研究自二次世界大战期间兴起以来,经过几十年的发展,已经发展成为一门自成体系的管理学科。但为什么还要引入项目治理呢?首先,与项目管理技术蓬勃发展相比,涉及到项目本质等核心问题的项目理论的研究却相对滞后。其次,对于工程项目,项目越来越大型化、复杂化,其组织实施的日益专业化、市场化,更需要项目理论做宏观上的指导。而项目组织也具备了类似企业组织的特点,这样一来,把企业中一些比较成熟理论引入到项目理论的研究中来也是自然的选择。最后,在中国这样一个处于转制时期的国家来说,公司治理是一个比较突出的问题,而在工程建设领域,由于产权不清、信息不对称和不完全契约引起的治理问题也同样反映到工程项目上。通过以上三点分析本文认为,把公司治理理论引入到工程项目理论的研究来不仅是必要的,也是可行的。对于如何把治理理论引入到工程项目组织中,构建工程项目治理的框架,本文的思路如下:(1)对传统的工程项目的实施过程进行抽象,形成一个工程项目运作实施的框架模型。在这个模型的基础上,对工程项目组织的本质进行初步探讨。(2)与公司治理产生的原因相比较,项目组织中也存在同样导致治理问题产生的因素,从而引出工程项目治理。(3)区分工程项目治理与工程项目管理,确定工程项目治理的边界。进而与公司治理相对比,分析工程项目治理的目标、层次和治理的主体等。与公司治理理论相似,本文把工程项目治理也分为内部治理和外部治理两个层次,内部治理的主体是建设单位,设计、施工、材料设备承包商,建设监理等。存在利益冲突、信息不对称和不完全契约是内部治理问题产生的主要原因,治理形式以正式制度为主,包括项目法人责任制、招投标制、建设监理制和合同管理等。外部治理的主体主要是指除上述直接利益相关者之外的间接利益相关者,如政府部门、金融机构、项目使用者和社区居民等。外部治理产生的主要原因是项目所有权内涵的扩大,他们通过债权或其他利益关系对项目行使治理权,而且对项目的成功会带来影响。外部治理的形式为正式制度与非正式制度的结合。

【Abstract】 Project management had been studied during the second war, after that , it has been developed for over sixty years and now a suit of a management system has been built up. But why do we need to introduce project governance? First, contrasted with the rapid developing project management technology, the project theory involving the nature of project is developing slowly. Second, as for a engineering project, it becomes more and more complex and it becomes specialization and market increasingly, so it calling for the project theory to conduct it macroscopically. And also the project organization has possesses the similar nature of corporation, so it is naturely to introduce the governance theory to the study of project theory. The third, as for China, during which has changing social system, corporation governance is a extrusive problem. In the same way, the governance problem caused by ambiguous property right and incomplete contract has appeared in the engineering project. Through the three reasons, the author regard that it is not only necessary but also feasible to introduce the governance.How to build up the engineering project governance? The paper gives the follow steps:(1) We abstract the traditional engineering project process and build a framework model, on this model, the nature of engineering project is explored.(2) Contracting reasons cause corporation governance, the same elements cause governance also exist in the engineering project.(3) Distinguish the engineering project governance and engineering project management to build the border of the paper. Moving forward, the paper analysis the goal the main body and administrative levels of engineering project governance.Similar with corporation governance, engineering project governance is divided two administrative levels: interior governance and outer governance. The main body of the interior governance are the owner, contractor, designer supplier of the engineering project, agency problem and incomplete contract are the main reason which cause the interior governance, the forms of governance includeThe main body of outer governance include government、bank、users and community which exclude the main body of the interior governance. The reason causes outer governance is the property of the project is enlarged. The stakeholders exert their governance right by creditor’s right or influence of the stakeholders. The forms of governance include formal institution informal institution

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】5
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