

Study on Landscape Environment of Seaside Road in Cities

【作者】 仲欣维

【导师】 罗西;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 现在的城市道路规划设计,关心的不仅仅是速度,而是整个道路空间环境质量的改善,道路景观设计的好坏直接影响着整个城市的形象。城市居民需要一个安全、快捷、舒适、愉悦的道路空间景观,因此,在道路景观设计中,亲切的尺度,良好的比例以及丰富的细节成为人们所关注的问题。本文结合城市的历史环境、文化背景、时代特点,注重人的实际心理、生理的感受,考虑人的复杂需求,探讨了城市道路景观规划设计的相关问题,深入到对实践具有指导意义的各项设施要则的确定,提出道路景观规划设计思路的一些有益探索。在理论研究方面,主要从道路景观设计的理论基础出发,总结了道路景观的构成要素,分析了道路景观的美学、空间、功能属性,以行人对道路形成的主观意想为原则,阐述了城市道路景观的设计理论,着重分析了城市道路中的主要相关设施,例如建筑、绿化、人行道铺装、雕塑以及其它道路附属设施的景观设计要则,并通过对道路空间、功能属性的分析研究,使零散的景观设施得到了规划整合,从而得出建设具有舒适、愉悦道路景观环境所需达到的目标。全文紧紧抓住青岛东海路的特点,主要针对青岛具有一定特色的道路构成展开重点论述。在大量实际调研的基础之上,综合分析了城市的现状条件及自然地理环境、道路构成等现状,运用建立的各项景观规划要则对其进行全方位的检验,并通过与其它类似城市的对比,找出不足,提出了相应的规划对策。文章从宏观、微观两个角度阐述了道路景观设计要素的规划对策,对东海路景观作出了一定的评价与展望,力求创造完整、舒适、人性化的城市道路景观,以期对青岛城市景观建设的实际工作能够有所帮助。

【Abstract】 In modern urban road planning and design, it is cared about not only the speed, but also the environment quality improvement of the entire road space. The road landscape design quality directly effects the entire city scene. The city people need safe, quick, comfortable and joyful road space landscape. Therefore, people pay more attention to the kind criterion, the good proportion as well as the rich detail in the road landscape design.This article unifies the city historical environment, the cultural context, the time characteristic and pays great attention to person’s actual psychology, the physiological feeling, considered person’s complex demand. It has been discussed that the question related with the urban road landscape planning design, penetrated to the instruction significance to the practice each item of facility important regulation determination and proposed some beneficial explorations about road landscape planning design mentality. In the fundamental research aspect, it mainly embarks from the road landscape design rationale, summaries the road landscape integrant part, analysis the road landscape esthetics, the space, the function attribute and takes the form of pedestrian to the path subjectively imagine as the principle, elaborates the urban road landscape design theory and has emphatically analyzed the main related facility near the urban road. For example, the construction, the road afforesting, the pavement, the sculpture as well as other road attached facilities landscape design regulations. Through the analysis research to the road space and the function attribute, it enables the scattered landscape facility to obtain the plan conformity, thus gets the goal how to achieve the comfortable, the joyful road landscape environment.The text closely holds the characteristic of Qingdao Donghai road, and take key discussion with aiming at the certain characteristic road constitute in Qingdao. Through the massive actual investigation and study, it comprehensively analysises city present situation, environment and road constitution, carries on the omni-directional examination using the establishment each item of landscape planning regulation, Through the contrasting against other similar cities, it discovers the insufficiency and proposes the corresponding planning countermeasure. From the macro, micro perspective on landscape design elements of the planning measures, it more complete makes a certain amount of evaluation and Prospects of the Donghai road. It makes great efforts to create completely, comfortable, the human nature urban road landscape, and hope to have some help to practical work about Qingdao city landscape construction.

  • 【分类号】TU984.18
  • 【被引频次】9
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