

Geophysical Prospecting Method Optimization Study on Groundwater Resources in Arid Regions of Xinjiang Province

【作者】 王卫江

【导师】 范继璋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆地处欧亚大陆腹地,水资源短缺而又极不平衡。区内自北向南分布的阿尔泰山、准噶尔盆地、天山、塔里木盆地、昆仑山五大地形地貌单元宏观上形成“三山两盆”地理格局。降水主要集中于北部山区,东部由古生代、前古生代地层组成的低矮山峦剥蚀作用强烈,形成大面积石漠、地表无常年流水,为新疆地下水极度贫乏区。南部塔里木盆地塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘地区地表蒸发量几十倍于降水量,沙丘下的塔里木河古河道松散粉细砂含水层地下水矿化度3—6g/L,古河道外广大沙漠区水量很小,水质复杂。新疆天山的南、北麓及塔里木盆地是新疆主要经济支柱带,拥有丰富的能源、矿产品资源,开发潜力极大,电磁法公益性找水工作多集中于该区域。运用加拿大PHOENIX公司V5系统MT大地电磁法、美国GEOMETRICS公司EH4系统电导率成像法、加拿大PHOENIX公司V5(2000)系统CSAMT可控源音频磁大地电流法、V5(2000)系统TDEM瞬变电磁法及法国IRIS公司NUMIS系统NMR核磁共振法在新疆典型干旱水文类型已知条件区开展找水试验研究工作,探讨新疆典型干旱水文类型区几种先进的电磁法及系统找水有效性、适应性、野外工作效率、成本比较等因素,对今后在新疆干旱区开展电磁法找水工作提供参考性建议。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang has abundant water resources. The South and the North Wings of the Tianshan Mountains and Tarim Basin are the major economy regions where there are abundant energy and mineral resources. Water exploration for the public welfare is mostly focused at above mentioned region.To efficiently and accurately identify the distribution of groundwater resources in Xinjiang, geophysical exploration methods need to be developed which are suitable for the different types of water in arid regions. This paper summarizes the efficiency, adaptability, field efficiency and cost comparison for various geophysical exploration methods employed in the water exploration in arid Xinjiang and provide experience models for water exploration in arid Xinjiang with the application of geophysical methods.Based on the main types of groundwater and hydrogeological features in arid Xinjiang, geophysical methods are mostly employed to locate fault/ fracture/ fissure structures which act as channels for water migration in mountain areas. From the fore-lands to the plains and desert, the key issues for water exploration is to apply geophysical methods to the understanding of the Quaternary stratigraphy structure, basement depth, geological structures and the features of multi-storey structures of aquifers.A couple of geophysical approaches have been applied to explore water in arid Xinjiang, such as MT method of V5 system by Canadian PHOENIX CORPORATION, EH4 system conductivity imaging by American GEOMETRICS CORPORATION, CSAMT controlled source audio-frequency magnetic ground current method and the TDEM method of V5(2000) system by Canadian PHOENIX CORPORATION, NMR method of NUMIS System of France IRIS CORPORATION. All these approaches have their own advantages in the water exploration in arid Xinjiang. Therefore, one or an assemblage of approaches should be employed for a specific geological, hydrogeological, geophysical environment to solve the problem.Research results have been applied to the choosing of approach(es) to conduct water exploration in three different types of hydrological areas and to achieve good results. These successful experiments provide beneficial models for underground water exploration in arid Xinjiang.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】P641.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】349