

【作者】 王立如

【导师】 陈昆松; 郑金土;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业推广, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 葡萄是宁波市的重要水果种类,其生产已经成为宁波市部分农村地区的重要经济来源之一和农民增收的主要渠道,在农村经济和社会发展过程中起着重要的作用。本文概述了国内外葡萄设施发展,根域限制技术研究的背景和国内外研究进展,套袋栽培技术研究进展及宁波市葡萄生产概况;提出了东南沿海地区葡萄生产存在的问题,包括气候环境条件限制,设施栽培投资大、规模优势小,综合竞争力弱等等风险。结合宁波市葡萄生产现状,引入最新技术手段,开展新型大棚结构、套袋栽培、根域限制栽培等新技术的研究与应用,以改进和提升宁波市现有的果树生产技术体系,对于促进社会主义新农村建设具有重要的现实意义。研究分析了现有葡萄设施大棚结构的优劣,设计出水泥钢管钢线组合联体葡萄大棚。以水泥柱、钢管、钢铰线为主体材料,单栋单行,单棚宽和水泥柱间距固定,用钢绞线将水泥桩纵横固定,顶上均匀分布钢管棚面,棚间钢管用钢丝和钢绞线相联,即形成水泥钢管钢线联体大棚。其特点是结构简单,适用面广,符合人性化省力操作,抗风力强,光线利用高,可大面积推广。研究比较了套袋栽培对葡萄果实品质的影响和农药残留问题,取得了较好的经验和效果。套袋可以明显降低葡萄果实的发病率,提高葡萄外观品质。在采收前10天左右解袋,有利于提高果实可溶性固形物含量,促进有色品种着色。几种果袋的效果基本一致,但以白色专用葡萄果袋为优。套袋对减少果实农药残留量作用也有明显效果。通过对美人指葡萄定植当年在不同容积根域限制下根系生长发育的研究表明:美人指葡萄的根系生长发育、地上部生长在不同容积的箱式根域限制栽培下存在显著差异。箱式容积范围越小,其总根鲜重,干重越轻;随着箱式容积范围的减小,其总根数、表面积也随之减少。根域限制后其地上部的生长受到明显抑制,主要表现为地上枝蔓基部直径变细、生长减缓、分枝数减少、分枝长度缩短、枝蔓鲜干重减轻。容积范围减小,根冠干重比也随着减小,而总根长与枝总生长量比随之增大。通过控制植株生长势,抑制了当年新梢生长的长度,缩短新梢节间的长度,并提高了翌年春季枝梢芽的萌发率和成枝率,以及花芽的质量。根域限制对果实生长发育的效应主要体现在:不同根域限制栽培方式对果实纵横径、干鲜重都有明显的促进作用,箱式限根栽培的促进作用集中于果实第二次快速增长期,袋式限根栽培在整个果实发育过程中都有明显作用;明显改善果实的品质,发育后期可以显著增加可溶性固形物,并加速果实含酸量的下降,提早提高果实风味品质。论文还对生产技术推广策略进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 Grape is one of the most important fruit in Ningbo, and plays a major role in rural economics development. This thesis analyzed the factors that affect Ningbo grape industry development, summarized the status of facility cultivation for grape. In order to improve the current planting system of grape, it is great important to introduce new technology and method for the growth of fruit trees, perform the research on new pattern green-house structure, grape bagging and root restriction cultivation.The modified grape green-house system consists of concrete, steel tubes and steel strings, which meet the environmental conditions in Ningbo. The main materials for the green house are concrete pole, steel tube and strand. One row per shed, width of individual shed and distance between concrete poles are fixed. The concrete pole is fixed vertically and horizontally by strand, the top of which are covered with steel tube and green-house roof. Steel tubes between individual sheds are connected by steel strings and strands. This modified type of green-house might be widely applied since it is characterized by simple structure, wide application, easy operation, wind resistance, better light transmission.Grape fruit bagging greatly decreased the incidence of a disease of grape, and improved the outlook quality. Soluble solids concentration increased and the grape berry showed good color when bags are removed 10 days prior to harvest. There was no significant difference among different types of bags except white bags, which had best fruit qualities.Results of ’Meirenzhi’ grape in root resistance showed that growth of root and above surface in different cubage differs greatly. As the cubage of the box reduced, the weight of fresh and dry root, the number of roots reduced and the growth of the part above ground is restricted apparently, with main phenomenon that the diameter becomes thinner, growth becomes slower, branches turns out to be fewer and shorter in length, the weight of the root cap reduces but the total length of roots and branches increases.It was showed that root resistance controlled the growth tendency, restrained the length of the new shoot tips, shorten the length between burls, and increased incidence of bourgeoning of buds of branch tip and the possibility of developing into branches in next spring.In addition, the present results also showed that root restriction contributed to the size and quality of fruit. The effect of the root restriction with box mainly appeared in the second growth period, while the effect of root restriction with bag was seen throughout the whole growth. Root restriction significantly increased weight of fresh fruit, soluble solids concentrations, and promoted accumulation of dry matter and forming of fruit flavor.The strategy in the expanding and development of technology for grape planting in China was also discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】539