

Research on Some Basic Problems of Fine Penalty

【作者】 高玲玲

【导师】 柳忠卫;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 罚金刑在历史上早已出现,并在当今世界许多国家的刑法中发挥着越来越重要的作用。罚金刑在我国也由来己久,但是历来未受到过重视,现行刑法也只是把罚金刑规定为附加刑加以适用。与1979年刑法典相比,现行刑法大大提高了罚金刑的适用率,但与其他国家相比差距还是很大。因此,要加强对罚金刑的理论研究,以扩大罚金刑在我国的适用,适应司法实践的迫切需要。第一部分界定了罚金刑的概念、特征及其设置的正当性根据,探究了罚金刑在刑罚体系中的地位,并通过对罚金刑利弊的分析,得出利大于弊的结论,以证明扩大罚金刑的适用范围、提升罚金刑地位观点的合理性。第二部分介绍了罚金刑的适用范围、适用方式和数额设定方式。罚金刑的适用范围很广,包括财产型、贪利型犯罪,所有单位犯罪,较轻的犯罪等。罚金刑的适用方式,包括单科罚金制、并科罚金制、选科罚金制、易科罚金制、复合罚金制等。笔者对罚金刑的数额设定从立法方式和具体设定两方面进行了分析,不过侧重点在后者。因为理论界对罚金刑的具体设定方式研究不够,而罚金刑的可执行性在很大程度上取决于对罚金数额设定方式的恰当选择和科学组合,所以文中从固定倍率式、固定数值式、倍率数距式、数值数据式、数值上限式、数值下限式、概括式等进行分析、讨论,以求找到最合理、最适合我国罚金刑的设定方式。第三部分首先分析了我国罚金刑地位低下、适用范围狭窄、配套制度不完善的立法现状。而后,针对上述问题提出了立法建议,如将罚金刑提升为主刑、扩大罚金刑的适用范围、设立日额罚金刑、设立罚金刑缓刑、设立罚金易科自由刑制度等,力求完善我国罚金刑的立法规定。第四部分首先阐述了罚金刑的执行现状。在司法实践中存在的最大问题就是执行难,此外还存在罚金刑的适用任意性较大、透明度不高,判前缴纳现象的大量出现等问题。之后,对罚金刑执行难的原因从主客观两方面进行分析。在客观上,现行刑法中对罚金刑的定位、法定刑结构设置不合理,系统的执行程序法、明确的执行机构及罚金刑执行保障机制的缺失,犯罪人之间经济状况的不同等,都影响了罚金刑的执行;在主观上,从犯罪人的心理态度和法院的态度对执行难的原因进行了分析。最后,建议通过完善刑法关于罚金刑的定位及法定刑结构的设置,建立系统的执行程序法及专门的执行机构,并建立罚金刑执行监督制度、财产调查、保全制度等,解决罚金刑的执行难问题。

【Abstract】 Fine penalty has existed for a long time, which plays more and more important role in penalty system around the world. Fine penalty arose very early, but it never was regarded as an important punishment. In present criminal law fine penalty is applied as a subordinate punishment. Present criminal law increases more application provisions on fine penalty than criminal law(1979), however, this number is rather less than other countries. Reinforcement in doctrine study on fine penalty is an urgent demand of extension of fine penalty application.In section 1 defines the conception, introduces characters of fine penalty, and demonstrates fair reason of fine penalty setting. Then, it explores the status of fine penalty in punishment system. Finally, it analyses the advantages and disadvantages of fine penalty , and proves rationality of expansion on application range and exaltation on status of fine penalty.Section 2 introduces application range, application modes and amount enactment manners of fine penalty. Fine penalty is applied in property crime and corruption crime, unit crime, trivial crime etc. Application modes include individual fine、dual fine、selective fine、alternate fine、compound fine. The author analyzes legislation mode and concrete enactment of amount enactment of fine penalty. Execution of fine penalty lies on amount enactment manners of fine penalty in some extent, so the thesis enumerates several manners, in order to seek for most suitable enactment manner in China.Section 3 analyzes legislation situation of fine penalty in China. Fine penalty is applied in a limited range and short of complete match system, which causes it on low status in punishment system. Then, in order to promote the status of fine penalty in the penal system and to extend its application, this chapter advances some advice on provision of fine penalty as a main punishment, extension of application range of fine penalty, enactment of daily fine penalty, perfection of application modes, enactment of fine penalty probation, enactment of fine penalty instead of freedom punishment.Section 4 firstly reviews enforcement situation of fine penalty. In practice, the most serious problem is obstacle in enforcement, while arbitrary application of fine penalty and defrayal before sentence exist as usual phenomena. Secondly, it analyses subjective and objective reason of these phenomena. On object aspect, irrational provisions in legal punishment system enactment, shortage of security system of fine penalty enforcement and different economic situation of offenders influence on enforcement of fine penalty. Subjective reason includes attitude of courts and psychological attitude of criminals. Finally, to improve provisions on species of fine penalty and legal punishment system, to set up special enforcement institution and enforcement officers, to create property investigation system and mechanism to save from damage should help to settle problems in fine penalty enforcement.

【关键词】 罚金刑财产刑缓刑执行
【Key words】 fine penaltyproperty penaltysuspend sentenceenforcement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】261