

The Historical Evolution of "Yutang Pickled Vegetables" and Its Strategy of Development in New Century

【作者】 尹茂祥

【导师】 吕伟俊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 历史包罗万象,历史研究也应该有多学科、多领域的视角。近年来人们普遍关注老字号企业的发展,不断出谋划策,但真正深入研究企业历史发展进程的却不多。尤其对于玉堂,很多人知道它是一酱菜厂,但对于其300年的历史,很少有人了解。本文采用理论与实践相结合、一般和特殊相区别的方法,综合运用历史学、经济学、营销学、法学等知识,通过查阅档案和实地采访以获取宝贵的第一手资料,在对玉堂近300年历史演变的研究中,寻找、发现其特色和经营成功的机理,为老字号企业的振兴,为传统品牌在新时期的弘扬,提供借鉴。同时尝试通过玉堂这一老字号,展开一个全新的传统文化的研究,再现明清至今的社会经济状况,以社会历史文化的角度追寻企业的文化内涵和发展战略,以企业反思历史,以历史明示企业。文章第一部分先从内涵、发展轨迹和价值等方面对老字号做了界定,闸明了研究老字号的思路和意义。文章第二部分对玉堂、运河经济、儒商文化三者的关系进行了研究,着力探讨玉堂的历史渊源和文化内涵,以便在下文更好再现其发展演变。文章的第三部分是本文写作的重点,着重研究了玉堂酱园近300年的历史,并按照其发展的兴衰历程,划分出11个阶段(创建、立业、鼎盛、中兴、衰落、倒闭、复苏、挫折、崛起、困境、新生),并将玉堂的历史发展与当时的社会经济状况紧密结合起来,以点带面,再现了明清时期的资本主义萌芽、50年代的公私合营、90年代的国企改革、新时期的股份制改造等史实,得出国兴则厂兴,国衰厂必衰的结论。文章第四部分以大多数老字号的兴衰为参照,由面及点,总结出玉堂酱园经营的经验和教训,并得出启示。文章第五部分试图从品牌学的角度探究玉堂的发展策略,指明其要想再现昔日辉煌,首先要革新观念,让企业的发展与社会环境保存一致,与民族同呼吸,与时代共命运。同时要实施品牌战略,尽早加强文化管理,这不是权宜之计,而是将企业做大做强的必经之路。

【Abstract】 History includes everything, historic study should also have the perspective of multi subjects and fields. Recently, people commonly pay attention to the development of the Time-Honored Brands and offer advices and suggestions continually. But there are less people to do deep research on firm’s development process. Especially, for example, many people only know Yutang Pickled Vegetables is a pickle work, but less people know its 300 years history. This article adopts the methods of theory combining practice common differentiating special, comprehensively uses the knowledge of economics marketing laws history and so on. Acquires first hand data by looking up archives and interviewing directly. This article is just to study Yutang’s nearly 300 years history, look for and find its character and mechanism of successful management, in order to provide experiences for refreshing the Time-Honored Brand and developing traditional brands in new times. At the same time, attempt to start a new research on traditional culture by Yutang study, represent the social and economic situation since the Ming and Qing Dynasty by using its hundred’s history process, pursue the firm’s cultural connotation and development strategy. Using firm to reconsider history, using history to explicit firm.The first part of the article defines the Time-Honored Brand from the aspect of connotation development process and value, and clarify the clew and meaning of studying the Time-Honored Brand.In the second part, I will make a research on the relations of Yutang canal economy culture of intellectual businessmen in order to clarify Yutang’s history origin and cultural connotation, and discuss the history background of Yutang Pickled Vegetables, so represent its evolution in the following parts.The third part is the emphasis of this article, mainly studying yutang’s 300 years history from its establish. According to its history of rise and fall and considering the social and economic situations of that time, we can divide it into 11 stages(establish founding great prosperity resurgence decline bankrupt refresh frustration grownup dilemma newborn). And then connect the Yutang’s history with the social and economic situation: the capitalism which having reproduced since the Ming and Qing Dynasty period buds, the fifties joint state-private management, the nineties state-owned enterprises reform, the new period stock system reform, and so we can have the conclusion: enterprise will be rise if the country is prosperous and strong, but if the country is not, the enterprise will be decline.The article Part IV consults with the most time-honored brands’ history of rise and fall, and sums up the experience and lessons of Yutang Pickled Vegetables, and then points to the inspirations.Article Part V tries to probe into Yutang’s development tactics from the angle that the brand learns, show clearly that if the enterprise wants to be in former splendid days, it must reform concept first, make the enterprise’s development follow with the social environment, And share a common fate and breath with nation and times. At the same time, it must put brand strategy into practice, sharpen culture manage as early as possible. This is not a matter of expediency, but is the only way which must be passed to make the enterprise bigger and stronger.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】K29;F729
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】347