

Design and Implement of DMIS Basing on Recomposition of Enterprise Information

【作者】 朱利伟

【导师】 李学庆;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要介绍了电网调度管理信息系统(Dispatching Information Management System,以下简称DMIS系统)开发的背景、目标、结构、功能和主要的实现方法。DMIS实施的主要目的是提高各专业、各部门之间的协同办公能力,通过信息共享和流程的自动控制提高工作效率。从整体功能上看,DMIS系统分为“调度生产”、“调度管理”、“调度运行”三大部分,采用混合的软件平台架构,分别在J2EE平台、Lotus Domino平台、DOT NET平台实现。在软件实现架构方面,明确引入“中间服务层”,增强业务适应性和扩展能力。DMIS系统的核心和基础是标准化。通过提取和分析在生产管理中基本的、共同的信息,建立起一个可扩展的标准信息模型,包括“电网元件”和“调度管理”两大类。本文采用Rational Rose软件,按照UML标准,对以上两类信息进行了建模,统一了基本信息在各应用系统中的应用,保证了数据一致性。本文设计了基本数据中心的工作模式和接口,建立一个“环形”的异步通讯结构,通过建立“消息总线”,发布带有时间戳的“消息列表”,完整的描述基本数据中心侧的变化过程,并提供基于“XML Web Service”的数据查询和获取接口。其它应用系统通过“消息”获取,调用相关的Web服务,即可实现不同策略下的数据同步和更新。这种数据服务方式是建立未来企业服务总线的一种基本形式和组成部分,实现了基本信息的共同维护,反映了现代企业协同作业和信息共享的要求。请假管理、工作任务管理、工作计划管理等模块开发中遵循的基本原则是:实现不同模块之间的内在联系和资源共享。本文发展了原有平台的“资源”的概念,除了空间、时间、设备物理资源,还将“员工”作为一类重要资源,通过请假管理实现对“员工”日程信息的处理和利用,通过工作任务管理、工作计划管理满足管理精细化的要求,直观反映工作进展情况。在设备资产管理模块中,主要实现了“设备出入库管理”、“设备维护管理”、“设备缺陷管理”三个基本流程,并设计了更适应用户需要的查询界面。设备资产管理面向全省调度用户,既提供满足分区分层的管理模式,同时又能根据设备的类型、地点分布、制造厂商、时间等属性,实现不同视角的检索和统计。实现文档型数据库和关系型数据库的互联互通,本文提出了一种数据映射的方法,通过两种数据库都共同具备的“视图”进行映射,有效屏蔽了底层数据库的差异。DMIS系统已经投入运行,在生产和管理中发挥着不可替代的作用,成为提高工作效率和管理水平的重要工具。该系统也在不断地完善中,基本信息模型和数据中心逐渐成熟,应用效果已经得到广泛认可。

【Abstract】 This paper introduces background and structure of electrical power grid dispatching management information system (DMIS). The principal purposes of DMIS are to integrate information among distinct software systems, to optimize working flow and to raise cooperation efficiency. More information should be shared and the way of exchanging data should be improved.Different from traditional applied systems, DMIS is not an isolated、 newly-built system. In view of function, DMIS can be divided into three parts: enterprise management subsystem, grid operation management subsystem and other assistant subsystem. On base of analysis of requirements, a mixed software platform is adopted. Lotus Domino/Notes is an excellent software platform with which enterprise management subsystem is developed. Grid operation management subsystem is developed with Microsoft Dot Net. J2EE provides a 3-layers software architecture and more open and reliable software are developed with it.The principal tasks of DMIS are to develop working plan and tasks management. It’s urgent to be solved that the data is repeated and conflict. DMIS extracts the common and basic data and identifies the objects and defines the relationships among those objects. Such basic data includes two fields: grid equipments objects and management objects.The author also designed working mode of basic data center and its interfaces by XML Web Service technology. Besides the accordant definition and description of data by UML tools, we need a data center that can serve as an unique information provider. Other systems haven’t to put into repeated information again. And they have to synchronize with data center when necessary. The data center is located in the center of this circle-style communication structure. It provides a standard means of interoperating between different software applications. It gets and provides data through a series of special interfaces with XML web service. When data changed, the system will add a piece of news with time-stamp immediately to the list of news. Other peripheral systems can get the list of news and decide the strategy that will be adopted.A method of mapping relation between Lotus Domino database and relative database is set up. In order to develop open and reliable software applications, 3-layer software architecture is applied. But it does not attempt to impose restriction on how software is developed.Now the enterprise has been benefiting from DMIS. It has been proved that the policy of basic data center is feasible. The DMIS is now playing an undeniable role to improve the enterprise’s management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】95